Making Chicken Bedding

| March 27, 2014 | 13 Comments

This is how I make the nest bedding for the chickens.

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. CornfieldCraziness says:

    The nesting boxes aren’t bad to clean. The chickens are constantly
    scratching the bedding out and that’s why I have to add. I probably
    shouldn’t call it bedding actually because the chickens don’t sleep in
    them, just lay eggs. They sleep standing on the roosts. The floor is not
    much fun to clean, the ammonia level when you start to disturb the manure
    gets pretty strong.

  2. CornfieldCraziness says:

    Thanks, seems like the eggs stay cleaner than with sawdust alone and even
    cleaner that using straw although I like to put straw in once in a while

  3. 805ROADKING says:

    Happy chickens are productive chickens eh Buddy!!☺

  4. vidman008 says:

    hahahahahaha @ High Quality Texas Shredded Paper. LOL That type of saw
    dust, I believe it comes from Planers. Could be some other machine too.
    Just think that the Planer is the best guess..

  5. CornfieldCraziness says:

    Thanks, I didn’t even realize the front of my shirt was ever visible
    believe it or not. Go get that cookie!

  6. EdzGarage says:

    Good bedding idea.

  7. vidman008 says:

    Besides the Good Bedding material, if you Choke your Chickens, that usually
    keeps them Happy..Or so I’m told..

  8. 265chevy says:

    man that must be messy when you have to clean all that shit from inside
    those put those beds down for the chicken to lay eggs? i guess
    well later thanks for the video

  9. CornfieldCraziness says:

    That would suck. I had a net over my run but the heavy snows we had early
    winter took it down twice. The second time I wasn’t able to get it back up.
    I hope to get it back up soon now so I don’t lose any to chicken hawks.

  10. spaceman198462 says:

    Love the shirt must be warm over there.

  11. Capt. John's Bar says:

    Foxes, eagles, and hawks killed all 17 of my chickens.

  12. CornfieldCraziness says:

    Yeah, good thing happy chickens don’t come from California, LOL.

  13. CornfieldCraziness says:

    I seen 84 degrees on the therm at one point. Some lady at the hospital
    scared the crap out of me because of that shirt. I thought she was coming
    at me then turned out she just wanted to tell me she liked my shirt.

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