Minecraft News (Mystery Block, Improved Stars) plus Chicken Coop Build

| December 19, 2013 | 25 Comments

A few pieces of Minecraft news before the next snapshot tomorrow. First off, a new Mystery Block was teased by Jeb. He also mentioned that the stars will be …

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. adop01gamer says:

    I need to know how to make it not a taturial

  2. Will TTheGhost says:

    i think they should make a split wooden block, kinda like the crack stone
    block, but if you step on it a certain amount of times it breaks, it would
    look great for making abandon looking builds and be AWESOME for adventure

  3. SwimmingBird941 says:

    That became extra clear today when the stars and having only a few other
    people around was enough to lag this recording…lol. So excite.

  4. sniperassist15 says:

    Hey, you’re back! ^>^

  5. PoketechShraeder says:

    You don’t know that yet…

  6. quinten kuiper says:

    adam do you have a twitter and if so what is it

  7. mario8th says:

    your telling the wrong person…

  8. 115386acer says:

    HA pie

  9. zimdot1 says:

    Mashed Potateos

  10. Owen Usher says:

    Lapis Lazuli FTW!

  11. coldfire0007 says:

    if it is a redstone block, do you think it will do any special electrical

  12. Matt Taylor says:

    >Still says “Cool Story Bro” > loses arguement

  13. SMBCraft says:

    Hi attention fag. Have fun being stupid.

  14. quinn0404 says:

    good job bro

  15. SwimmingBird941 says:

    The Redstone Block (if it ever comes) should act as like a mega-repeater,
    extending redstone line power for a lot longer, or at least in several

  16. oscarnout says:

    I am from the future.you will get both of them

  17. mario8th says:

    you realize over 9000 people have requested that right?

  18. Jack says:

    sir i was first comment u mad?

  19. vpacolis says:

    How awesome! It’s an amazing feeling when you buy a new computer. The wait
    is terrible though.=p Any possibility we will finally play some Killing
    Floor? =3 (or any game other than minecraft)

  20. silverfish1690 says:

    that chicken coop was genius o.o

  21. memeloaf says:

    Ive wanted the red stone block for like evar!!!!!

  22. vpacolis says:

    When are you getting your new computer?=)

  23. wolfsorrow100 says:

    the new block not most likely be the rupee ore?

  24. SMBCraft says:

    Do you honestly think of the thousands of people on reddit this one kid
    just HAPPENED to have the idea? the chances are more than unlikely.

  25. chadkndr says:

    cool story bro i mentioned it in 1.8 so dont even talk

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