Paula’s Chicken Coop

| October 18, 2013 | 16 Comments

Paula gives you a tour of her new chicken coop and shows how she gets fresh eggs for all her recipes.
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  1. Justin Frazier says:

    It’s gorgeous ! Just like you

  2. arkchix says:

    I always wanted a chicken coop

  3. TomJayable says:

    I wonder for how long will those chickens remain resqued…

  4. MrJwk1982 says:

    That is so sweet Paula, loved the video!

  5. chattychar says:

    awwwwwwwww. so cute. and nice fresh eggs!

  6. Sista Veganista says:

    These rescued chickens are just for eggs, right?

  7. msmartinigirl1 says:

    I am sure you will have years of enjoyment out of these chickens. I started raising chickens over 13 years ago. They make great pets and those eggs are the best. You will never want store bought again. Where I live I am able to let mine out to roam our yard during the day and they come right up and sit next to my husband and I when we sit outside :) I was thrilled to find your video and I am subscribing.

  8. Emmanuel Pascal says:

    Love this

  9. wild tafari says:

    Paula we love you so much! Get some Red Star hens. The best laying hen you can find and sweetest. But we love you and your new chicken coop. We miss you!

  10. neptuniumforest says:

    this is so sweet and cute :)

  11. Ferdie1985 says:

    CUTE video! <3

  12. tim bow says:

    i love you Paula! :D

  13. tab tintinnabulation says:

    Paula Deen. Glad you’re back around. Missed you!

  14. Mary Rigby says:

    awesome paula love ya girlfriend love your chickens also hugs to mike

  15. TheDaftdrew says:

    <3 you paula! xx

  16. swadefoxx says:

    Paula ! So good to see you. Miss you, love you and praying for you. God Bless you. :)

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