Permaculture Chicken Tractor | Portable Chicken Coop | In Progress – HD Video

| November 26, 2013 | 3 Comments

A short video of our Chicken Tractor in progress. We are only up to the frame stage, but it explains a little about the process and the theory behind the use…

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  1. permifoodforest says:

    Thanks for the comment! To be honest, it turned out really well, and really
    quite cheaply too. We have been using it for a good few months now and the
    girls seem really happy in there. And they don’t know the difference
    between second hand timber and brand new. As for the table you made out of
    your hen house, that is just comical. I got a kick outta that. Hope the
    lady didn’t mind the natural odours the girls left behind ;)

  2. barkershill says:

    Good on you for being thrifty enough ( and green enough)to get your timber
    from the dump! I once made a hen house from similar stuff . when we finally
    got rid of the hens I used the floor timber to make a dining table for a
    !”permi” type lady living in improvised accomodation near Glastonbury. She
    was very pleased with it , but did mention that it smelled a bit strange in
    hot weather.

  3. balaclavaman says:

    Hi For how long do you keep the chicken coop in the same place? I have St
    Agustine grass in my lawn and I don´t know what 3 chickens in 3 square
    meters will do to the grass. It´s a tough grass but chickens have strong
    legs too.

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