poultry coop video

| October 30, 2013 | 5 Comments

Produced by http://www.poultrypens.co.uk chicken house marine ply chicken house marine plywood chicken house chicken house rugeley chicken house lichfield ch…

Chicken Coop in Winter / CleanCoops.com

Our chicken coop plans have space underneath the coop for the chickens.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. CleanCoops says:

    Thank you for everyone’s nice comments! :)

  2. CleanCoops says:

    Thanks, you made my day! :)

  3. bj hummer says:

    you have a BEAUTIFUL voice!!!

  4. bobster8000 says:

    I like it alot!

  5. Maria Whitaker says:

    A very nice chicken coop!

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