Rain Collecting Automatic Chicken Waterer

| December 9, 2013 | 25 Comments

Rain Collecting Automatic Chicken Waterer

Watering the chickens can get to be a chore. So, along with the regular watering I added this automatic waterer to help supplement when we can’t keep up with…

Learn to incubate poultry eggs with Co-Op country store in Sandpoint, Idaho.
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  1. Blake Kirby says:

    … and here is a video of how I water my main flock of layers.

  2. Blake Kirby says:

    I’m proud of this system for a few reasons. 1. It works really well at
    saving me the hassle and mess of always cleaning and filling water
    containers. 2. The video is nearing 80K views! Woohoo.. sorry, had to

  3. goribaba says:

    cute chicken :D

  4. HmongGuitarPlayer says:

    What do you do as far as keeping the water clean and algae free,could you
    put a little bit of clorox bleach in the water?

  5. HmongGuitarPlayer says:

    Does it ever clog?

  6. Blake Kirby says:

    The gutter sometimes gets full of leaves, but the barrel has never clogged.

  7. kethril loken says:

    i love the system but in the About area can you leave a components list. so
    i can look for exact names.

  8. Blake Kirby says:

    I will be modifying the system soon. In that video I will give detailed
    parts lists. For this version what parts are you looking for names for? Is
    it the PVC parts names?

  9. Sean Epperson says:

    This is on my list to do for my new chicken house as well.

  10. Blake Kirby says:

    thanks! I’d love to see a video of it when you are finished.

  11. Blake Kirby says:

    Rain would be nice! :). This stayed full for a long time until a few days
    ago when a chicken tried to roost on the PVC and it came apart. The entire
    drum emptied into the coop!

  12. Blake Kirby says:

    This barrel does not have a removable top. It is all solid plastic.

  13. Dandymoments says:

    very nice thanks for sharing!

  14. Blake Kirby says:

    I’m sure I could have done something like that. This way I’m able to take
    apart easily if I need too. Thanks for the thought.

  15. 2007DNT says:

    Great video and idea! We plan to duplicate some of it!

  16. OurHalfAcreHomestead says:


  17. Blake Kirby says:

    Hey another Kirby! Cool. Jon, I assure you this is not their only water
    source. There are bowls and dishes around the yard.

  18. Blake Kirby says:

    @EBouleyPhotos Nope, I have never seen a chicken sweat. Does it show on
    there comb, feet, eyes…. or what??

  19. Blake Kirby says:

    @chicklet13231 :) I assure you, she is fine. I think she was just looking
    for some shade.

  20. Blake Kirby says:

    that’s a great idea. I have meant to do the same on mine. I have other
    watering needs right outside the coop that I could utilize the extra water
    for. In fact I have a separate barrel that I intend to attach to this one
    to double the capacity. I think I will put the hose bib on that overflow.
    There will be a video of it when It’s complete.

  21. bitcoinbill says:

    Chickens don’t have fingers OR nipples… just sayin’….

  22. cheryl b says:

    I really like this. Did you ever glue the fittings together?? I can see the
    birds perching on the PVC and it falling out of the T and draining the
    barrel. I have made a few designs of rain barrels and have them around the
    property. Some of them there is no good way to keep mosquito’s out of. SO,
    we add feeder goldfish in the spring. They eat the mosquito eggs laid on
    the surface of the water. It works well.

  23. me says:

    I like your frugality of materials at hand. Good job fellow Kirby.

  24. Shareallicu3 says:


  25. Ray Lentz says:

    Good job .. I’m incorporating a similar watering system for my coop

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