Small Chicken Tractor EASY DIY Build

| November 6, 2013 | 49 Comments

See a great easy to build chicken tractor anyone can build. see more at :

I have finely make up a “Living Green Feeder” for the girls pen.. A friend, tar Rosie, put me onto them a few years ago but I have kept putting it off.. This…
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  1. london1817 says:

    Well, thank you kindly Eric!!!

  2. Eric Reitzel says:

    Love your vids,You guys look like you are having fun and making it go…Love it,Ty !

  3. london1817 says:

    Thanks Abel !

  4. Abel Elizondo says:

    Nice video

  5. Missy Rabbit says:

    I recommend using hardware cloth instead of chicken wire. As for digging critters, make some extra wire panels that pop down to keep critters from digging. Or, you can just run a small solar powered hot wire around. But, you will have to move this each time you move tractor.

  6. khensley1966 says:

    Did you put in any kind of nesting box? Won’t your chickens get cold in the winter with that kind of floor?

  7. london1817 says:

    I am in NC…Weasels are bad here …..but not as bad as wild dogs and packs of Coyotes! The coop I made didn’t have much for details….just make it happen…make it easy for you to build.:)

  8. shartne says:

    I like it i need to make one too. this one looks doable for me. weasels? what state are yo in? In Oklahoma we don’t have have weasels. we got coons and possums coyotes dogs and cats. It going to hard to do with out dimensions and angles lol. I guess I wll manage. like you did.

  9. london1817 says:

    yeah..and it’s happened here…when I move them I try to park it on a level area to make it harder for the weasels.

  10. 1999farmboy says:

    Can’t critters like weasels get into the coop from just climbing the ladder. After digging under the coop ?

  11. london1817 says:

    well they are bantam silkies ( very small ) they have plenty of room.:)

  12. mai nguyen says:

    that small chicken coop can’t have 10 in there u can said 4 that be good for them. but anyway u did good.

  13. iwantosavemoney says:

    nice chicken tractor

  14. london1817 says:

    I did an update video on the nest I added on the great & easy to move!

  15. MrChicken820 says:

    Good but we’re do they lay eggs

  16. Daniel Thumfort says:

    great, i’m a fan of your projects

  17. Lanelle Devlin says:

    Great idea for the vent to keep it secure but still have plenty of air.

  18. london1817 says:

    My drill is used mostly every day and is the best drill I have ever had! I have many attachments for mine & I am very proud of Craftsman tools….I tey to only buy that brand of tools now. I hope they are still made here?

  19. Jared Jeanotte says:

    I have the same drill 6 years of abuse still going strong. Best is that the battery are only 30$. Great coop I thing I might make one.

  20. london1817 says:

    maybe if you raised them up from babies together…but not adult birds…they would pound the silkie.

  21. james vansant says:

    can you put silkies and rir hens together. I would like 3 rir hens and my girlfriend wants a silkie hen. would they get along? any problems with having silkies and rir together? I just built a 7×3 run and Im gonna build a small coop out of recycle materials. good job on all your tractors.

  22. spiritartman says:

    Yea add to the vid! Great work. J

  23. london1817 says:

    I added a nest box on the back…I should do an update…Its still a very good coop.

  24. Mike Fas says:

    where do they lay eggs? boxes?

  25. Rob Bob says:

    Cheers & hope it comes in handy,
    Rob :)

  26. Rob Bob says:

    Hope they give you a few useful ideas to try out for yourself.. Am always interested in seeing what others come up with as well..
    Cheers & have a great one..

  27. percykirby2 says:

    Great idea mate

  28. Kyee71 says:

    What a brilliant idea I haven’t thought of that before I will include one when I get a few chickens, thanks for the outstanding video, Im really enjoying your videos.

  29. Rob Bob says:

    Hope you enjoy the build & I know the chooks will love the greens :)

  30. EMILCAT7 says:

    Thanks for that info. I’ll give it a try then. Thanks a lot!!!

  31. Rob Bob says:

    Hi there.. The wheat plants don’t dry out al all & just keep growing.. It is a good idea to give the plants a bit of water every few days just to keep them happy.. We still feed them sprouted grain & just remembered that I should be feeding them another batch today.. Thanks for the reminder..
    Cheers & have a great one..

  32. EMILCAT7 says:

    I have tried sprouting the wheet and give them to eat, but your system seems much better. My doubt is regarding the pecked leaves or grass, don’t they dry out after being pecked?

  33. Rob Bob says:

    They are easy enough to build & the girls will love the greens Benjamin..
    Cheers sir & have fun with the build :)

  34. Benjamin Franzmayr says:

    Hey, thanks for this, what a fantastic idea. I always thought it was inevitable that chooks would kill all plants in their coop or run and turn it into bare dirt but this is a brilliant idea that I’ll do myself.

  35. Rob Bob says:

    They love them.. I have tossed in bits of timber crawling with termites & the chickens go crazy over them.. Not too good at hunting them out of the timber though..
    Cheers, Rob.

  36. ngu0061 says:

    Chickens eat termites?

  37. Rob Bob says:

    Great to read that Robert.. Am glad that the clips have helped you out & you had a crack at making them yourself :)
    Cheers mate & take it easy, Rob..

  38. Robert Johnston says:

    Hi Rob, I copied your idea but used grass seed (which I had)and work well. Maybe wheat will grow faster.I only 2 chicks 12 weeks old and they love the greens.Thanks for your tips.Have done the nipple waterer and the feeder with the bibs on the front(no spillage) Beaut thanks.Regards Rob J.

  39. Rob Bob says:

    The chooks will love it.. Ours is full of bedding at the moment :/
    Cheers Greg..

  40. Greg Kail says:

    Great job I will have to copy it as soon as we move, next month

  41. Rob Bob says:

    Hope it comes in handy for you :)

  42. Rob Bob says:

    Sprouting seeds is another way to give them some extra nutrients.. Should be easy enough to do in the house then take it out to them I think.. I mentioned it on this clip if that helps,
    I gave seen large indoor units set up under lights if you wanted to go that far..
    Cheers & have a great one..

  43. Cycnoches2012 says:

    Love it wonderful idea thank you for sharing !!

  44. Charlie Small says:

    I loved it! I was just trying to figure out a way to get greens to my free range chicks this winter (Northern Iowa), when they may be cooped up for days at a time due to weather. I was thinking Could use some kind of fodder system in pans but didnt know what to do to keep them from ruining it. This covering really helps out, I enjoy your videos and how you talk to your girls. keep up the good work!

  45. Rob Bob says:

    Did a bit of a clip on it if your interested :)
    Apparently you can also buy reusable ones that have a release tab but haven’t seen any for sale here in Australia..
    Hope that helps & have a great one,

  46. Rob Bob says:

    Great question. If you look at battery hens they live in worse conditions with loads of faecal mater in their cage & flying around the shed in the form of dust. They live in far more contaminated conditions that back yard chooks & re said to be “healthy” so I really don’t worry about that sort of thing with ours.
    Have never read any information where it is suggested that any contamination could be past through their digestive system, into the eggs or flesh & then to us.
    Hope that helps,
    Rob :)

  47. Professional Welders says:

    Hi Bob, question how can you re use cable ties??

  48. michbushi says:

    Hi Rob! I have a question, aren’t they (chucks) poo-pooing there, and does it pose any biological risks, if they do? Have no idea myself, just curious if this is safe and doesn’t poss any health risks for people eating their eggs/meat afterwards – and for the chickens themselves.cheers from Ireland :-)

  49. Rob Bob says:

    Sorry I’m not you type but am taken already anyway ;)
    Cheers Garry…

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