The Chicken House Weekly: Day on the Farm

| November 7, 2013 | 10 Comments

During my trip to Maryland, I had the pleasure of staying at a good friend’s vegan farm house. I got to take the sheep out in the morning, play with the chic…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

I’m excited to introduce a new video series that my good friends Brigitte and Diane will be producing. This video series will take you inside the home and li…

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. pouletqueen17 says:

    It was nice to enjoy your farm. I loved the sheep and chickens. I guess the jackets were to protect the wool from soiling? I liked the way you edited with the frames flying to the next one.

  2. usamuun says:

    I have a question… Is it really considered against veganism to occasionally eat eggs and use the wool from these nurtured, free-range animals? I know that a lot of people turn vegan for ethical reasons, but if these animals have been saved and aren’t kept for the sole purpose of taking from them, does that ethical concern go away?

  3. VeganBreak says:

    They were originally going to be used for eggs and meat on a small scale backyard farm (so they were purchased as chicks for that purpose) but then the owner went vegan and they are now going to live out their lives in peace! So these chicks were never in the factory farming system, and thus never had their beaks cute, etc.

  4. jstephenj says:

    I have a question. What output resources do a vegan farm produce if they’re not yielding meat and how does it sustain itself? It’s an important question because if they can’t remain financially solvent, the owners lose their sanctuary and the animals in turn become quarry once again to be slaughtered.

  5. VeganBreak says:

    Heheh yeah, sheep jackets! Super cute, I know. Keeps them clean :)

  6. Einszeit says:

    Why are the sheep wearing those blankets?

  7. animallog says:


  8. tomcat528 says:

    this is so cute!

  9. Bert Vb says:

    hi all you chicks,
    enjoy life !

  10. TheAnimalHolocaust says:

    that’s great!

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