The Great Chicken House Robbery

| February 9, 2014 | 4 Comments

Dusty and I steal a very valuble item from the chicken house.

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. 56KrazyKid says:

    tht was totally lol and the forst blopper makes me laugh evrytime

  2. OoglyBoogly3 says:

    do yuo hear how country you sound?! dustin needs to spek louder. and close
    your mouth!

  3. OoglyBoogly3 says:

    and i need to learn how to spell. you need to put more enthusiasm. but not
    too much bc you will look comepletely stupid. you should change your name
    to something more exciting like a GRABBER. bc its grabs your attention.

  4. IdkMurray says:


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