UP – Fox in the Henhouse – NEW RECORD OUT OCTOBER 12, 2010!

| November 24, 2013 | 12 Comments

Fox in the Henhouse will release their first full length record Oct 12, 2010 through iBOT Records For more information check out: facebook.com/foxinthehenhou…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

HenHouseStudios.com Originally from Chicago, composer and handrummer/percussionist Adam Rudolph has, for the past three decades, appeared at festivals and co…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. mliempje says:

    Woah, this is really nice. *__*

  2. Kaitlin Anderson says:

    This is pretty cool :) It’s unique! And I love his voice!!!!

  3. tailsrockz says:

    Get such a great vibe when listening to these guys :) wish they had a vid
    for Vulpes Vulpes though.

  4. ultrapeepee731 says:

    Why aren’t these guys famous yet? People need to feel what i feel when i
    listen to them.

  5. Coco Elysses says:

    Is that Hamid Drake? Great video!

  6. joshuasound says:

    adam rudolph is a brilliant musician and composer. check out his other
    videos as well.

  7. Alexander Rudolph says:

    hey uncle adam, its me ellie! that was a totally awsome vid! i luved it!!!
    ur studio looked all clean and stuff :-). hope i can see u play 4 real
    soon!!!!! luv, ellie

  8. frankiepop says:

    either it works or doesnt work…with this cat…it works

  9. David Williams says:

    Its from “Hu Vibrational – Boonghee Music 1″ You can find it on Itunes.

  10. HAssanhakmoun says:

    i love it one love

  11. underyourskindvd says:

    An evolved sense of imagination… we need a lot more of that. Great piece.

  12. Adam Rudolph says:

    thanks for putting this up harlan

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