A Backyard Chicken Coop (That doesn’t suck)

| November 10, 2013 | 15 Comments

Scott has made a fantastic little coop that doesn’t stink and has four happy little chickens. Everyone can do something like this. Tags: Chicken (Animal) coo…

Chicken coop i built with automatic door on timer. The automatic door is made out of a car antenna.

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  1. thegoodfaery says:

    It’s called diatomaceous earth, not ‘dicotamus’

  2. Randall Dennis says:

    netting predator proof? NOT

  3. aaron wilson says:

    bull crap it does to suck

  4. auroraaquaponics says:

    The city I live in doesn’t allow chickens. I’m moving. Thanks for the vid.
    I loved it.

  5. LuLuBelle Lemonpie says:

    I’d be surprised if a raccoon or possum has not yet killed your birds one
    night with no real wire (hardware cloth) or sturdy door. It’s also too

  6. Karl Johanson says:

    Chickens like grass and dandelions and other weeds. It will orange up their
    egg yolks: )

  7. Sean McNierney says:

    very cool!

  8. Teresa DeReis says:

    I love this chicken coop…I want one! Good job Scott, and thanks for
    filming it, Steph :)

  9. vjconroy532 says:

    Doesn’t suck or stink…….hmmmm….are you referring to the coop?

  10. lapedro310 says:

    I , too, have backyard chickens that I enjoy very much. I really like your
    door system, and you are very creative. You will learn as you go, too. I
    sure have !It’s not rocket science, ignore the haters. Carry on !!!

  11. Talia Brown says:

    you see, if i close the door here its got a very good camouflage look so it
    looks very much like a shed nice… except for that other little part there
    with the chicken lol :)

  12. prayerangel1 says:

    Sorry to be negative, but that is about the most horrible setup for
    chickens that I’ve seen in some time. Not enough space, light or air and
    all the components of the coop are inconvenient for use. Using DE will not
    help compost your litter..it actually kills all the bugs that can help you
    in that endeavor. As you gain experience and chicken knowledge, you will
    look back at this first coop and chuckle…but let’s hope that is soon!

  13. eweiner06 says:

    I also love the idea! Could I have the wiring diagram?

  14. Dashadoo says:

    @dolly2397 Then i pour heineken in for them to drink!

  15. MrFreddyboy8 says:

    I love the car power antenna idea. WOW. do you think I could have the
    wiring diagram? I’d love to make one of my own. Thanks, Fred

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