Backyard Chickens | Farm Raised With P. Allen Smith

| January 4, 2014 | 21 Comments

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Паша Панфилов says:

    very nice chickens.

  2. hydro tec says:

    I have a barred chick do i use a 250watt red heat lamp 

  3. Kristian Douglas says:

    For chickens

  4. Kristian Douglas says:

    Do you have stuff to live worms

  5. oldenglish bantams says:

  6. Amanda Lin says:

    Make more vids please

  7. Roy Devito says:


  8. Roy Devito says:

    do a sheepdog love chicks

  9. TheYouthInChrist says:

    if you hold them by the peek and they kick up and flap their wings is a
    male. if they stay calm is a female. Also usually male chickens tend to
    have bigger legs and bigger faces.

  10. Cameron Harris says:

    my hen hatched two chicks so far in they are really fluffly in cute

  11. FeeDthiSFohl says:

    I love how calm and loving your chickens seem. I have two chickens that I
    got as chicks and from day 1 they’ve been dead scared of me… It here
    almost two months now, and they still run away from me. Unless I’m bringing
    out the food of course. Do you you think you can make an informational
    video on nurturing chickens? Because when I was younger, I grew up with
    chickens and they were my best friends. I don’t know why I can’t seem to
    befriend any now!

  12. Mentalist169 says:

    There hens not chickins u stuck up nob

  13. mrsfavard says:

    that new hampshire looked like he has frostbite :/

  14. Mariah Nobles says:

    Can you please make something about how to rise Cayuga Ducks? i have been
    reading on them and i have two ducklings but i can’t find really anything
    on their day to day life stuff. when they grow adult feathers, ages they
    live to. when they lay or get their voices, so on. please and thank you.

  15. FeeDthiSFohl says:

    *They are almost two months

  16. Night's Tales says:

    Fantastic factual video!! Backyard chooks are great! :)

  17. reivenne says:

    I find them creepy but cute at the same time…

  18. David Venson says:

    You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called FIREPA.COM .
    You can make money online and start working from home today as I am! I am
    making over $3,000+ per month at FIREPA.COM ! Visit and check it
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  19. Kodrian Kurtaj says:

    shum mir hahaha

  20. Treats For Chickens says:

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