Backyard Chickens The Complete How to Guide Plus Coop Tour [CC]

| October 11, 2013 | 23 Comments

Learn everything you need to know about keeping chickens in your backyard. My wife and I have been keeping chickens for a couple years now. We thought we wou…
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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. Gail Kinsella says:

    Racoons will tear right through that chicken wire in seconds. Chicken wire is meant to keep chickens in their area “NOT KEEP PREDATORS OUT”

  2. legendsofevil says:

    I live in Dallas too. Do you think chickens keep themselves pretty warm in the North Texas winter? How much ventilation do you usually leave out open in your coop during the winter? If the chickens do well in the winter in Dallas, then I might not buy a heating element at all.



  4. Adam Savage says:

    Then don’t use it. 

  5. Adam Savage says:

    Glad to help!

  6. Adam Savage says:

    I’ve read that it’s best to age it a little before it goes in the compost pile.

  7. Adam Savage says:

    Raccoons, and hawks mostly. I have seen coyotes in the area, but I don’t think they go in the neighborhoods too much.

  8. JanColdwater says:

    So you must not have substantial predators if you use chicken wire for your screens. They say that hardware cloth is the way to go.


    So, chicken poop can go into compost?

  10. P90Guy2 says:

    I’m going to get a full grown chicken, and I’m wondering will it fly? I don’t want it running Ere’where.

  11. Da Ma says:


  12. andreailj says:

    Love the video, loads of great helpful info, thank you for sharing this!

  13. Chris Topher says:

    dude good news thanks for giving me ideas im having a chicken im soo happy

  14. Doug Wennen says:

    Very good video. That’s for taking the time to share. I was leaning towards a coop with wheels but after watching your video ?

  15. janereneedickey says:

    I learned more about caring for chickens and what one needs to do from your video than tons of articles I have read. Thank you for your information. It was very helpful.

  16. IslandPrepper1 says:

    All the books say don’t use CEDAR!!

  17. attilaclark says:

    Believe it or not I had a garden and added three australorp chickens and had a good time with it. I sold like a dozen coops because you can’t find them in stores so there has been a big demand. You can make a little cash on these coop projects. Almost everyone who got birds and a coop from us had a very positive experience.

  18. Malek Sarhan says:

    hey adam, great vid but i was wondering is your chicken coop inplanted in the ground so it stays strong against wind or is there no need.

  19. Brandon Marshall says:

    I’m in Dallas too just got us some chicks 8 weeks old now. Thanks for the info!!

  20. TheMrisaace says:

    Thanks for actually making a decent video on your chickens, great watch

  21. Dick Mangler says:

    why din’t you pain the inside of the dor!? ytou suk!

  22. godamittheyraltaken says:

    I also live in Dallas and am getting chikens soon. YAAAY!! video was great!

  23. radadie87 says:

    How long do u let the chickens roam around the back yard? Does it eat any of your plants? When should u out the chicken back iin it’s coop?

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