Backyard poultry- equipment for organic chick rearing

| December 20, 2013 | 11 Comments

equipment and coop for small birds.and some info.

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. ravi sundaram says:


  2. rosmarinusofficialis says:

    I could see the whole of the video today. Very interesting. How many hens
    do you have, and what do you do with the male chicks? Do you sell the eggs
    as free range?

  3. rick rao says:

    What is the life cycle for chicks reared for meat in free range.

  4. Nishikanth Reddy Eppa says:

    setup is simple and good, where do we get the chicks of these two breeds,
    can these be transported to Hyderabad and raised there.

  5. Suhas Aabitkar says:

    good arrengement in low budget

  6. vidaripollen says:

    @rosmarinusofficialis our internet is quite fast now when it works.about
    birds-no.squirells come and eat some grains meant for hens.thats all/crows
    occasionaly steal an egg.u keep animals or plants??

  7. rosmarinusofficialis says:

    We don’t have domestic animals or pets, but I feed the wild birds. I put
    out mixed grain, fat balls, peanuts and mealworms and niger seed which only
    the goldfinches can get out of the specially adapted feeders.

  8. Teddybearcop48 says:

    Very good!

  9. rosmarinusofficialis says:

    Unfortunately your video won’t load for me beyond 16 secs. It is no doubt
    due to our poor internet speed in rural Cambridgeshire. I shouldn’t be
    surprised if you had super fast internet. Do wild birds visit the chicken

  10. lifeinthailand says:

    Nice set up.

  11. vidaripollen says:

    @rosmarinusofficialis about 15 laying hens,about 40 pullets and now a new
    batch of 100 that s shown in this video.male we sell or give to farm labour
    when they grow up.workers tend to b underfed and appreciate an occasional
    chicken.about selling,we dont have enough really.just started to supply to
    a couple of foodie friends as of now.i started this eggs coz the doc advice
    d to eat 2 non hormoned eggs everyday!!!!!

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