Bee Vlog #85 – April 6, 2013 – Cutout in a chicken coop

| January 29, 2014 | 11 Comments

Bee Vlog #85 - April 6, 2013 - Cutout in a chicken coop

I got a call about some bees living in a chicken coop. I was told the hive has been there for 2-3 years, which seems about right judging by the color of the …

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  1. GlenGH says:

    How well did the vacuum work? Was it successful at getting them off the
    comb safely?

  2. TheBeeVlog says:

    Bees are really good at holding on to each other and the comb, so it took
    more suction to get them to let go then I thought it would. Then they were
    “pinging” the inside of the bucket. I only vacuumed a small portion of them
    to test out the vac, and they seemed to survive but were a little stunned.
    I’m still working out the bugs (hehe) and will post a video with more
    details sometime soon.

  3. codeboy823 says:

    Very cool. Those were some pretty long combs! So were you intending to
    smoke them at all and decided not to because they were so calm?

  4. Claudia80nin says:

    While looking at the queen (around 10 minutes in) it looks like the comb is
    upside down in the frame. Was it placed correctly? If its upside down the
    comb will not be able to be reused next year because they cant fill it with
    nectar, as soon as its uncapped the honey will pour out.

  5. TheBeeVlog says:

    We gave them a little smoke when we first popped them open (and they came
    out to investigate) mainly as a preventative measure, and again once they
    were open just to be safe, but after seeing that they were not going to get
    aggressive we didn’t find any additional smoke was necessary.

  6. Super1builder says:

    Here’s a tip from a builder/remodeler/beekeeper. Use a heavy nail set to
    drive the desired nails inward past the board to be removed. The board will
    them remove easily and in one piece. Use a larger headed nail to cover the
    hole when replacing the board. Also number your boards so they are replaced
    in the proper location. Great cutout. HONEY B GUYS on facebook.

  7. TheBeeVlog says:

    It looks alright to me, but since I didn’t frame it I can’t be absolutely
    certain. But those who were framing it were very careful about orientation.

  8. Rick Bell says:

    nice job!

  9. Jay Bowen says:

    Wow, I still think you are scary crazy to do that. But well done! Good job!

  10. GlenGH says:

    Nice work there Bill. Yuo were lucky to have lots of helpers. Glen

  11. Claudia80nin says:

    Thanks for the quick reply :) I love your videos. You started keeping the
    same time I did so its been such a pleasure to watch your progress compared
    to my own since I also believe in going treatment free. I must admit you
    have far surpassed me in experience because even though I am a member in
    two clubs in my area I cant find anyone who also goes treatment free or
    bothers to catch swarms or do cutouts. My mentor has become youtube and
    online chats. Congrats on such a successful year so far!

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