| November 2, 2013 | 22 Comments

build a basic low cost chicken coop by sj ranch.

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  1. Farmboy307 says:

    @AiritonColton11 I have 3 roosters fertilizing my eggs and i’ve been eating them all my life. There fine unless you bring the argument of killing chicks into it. There was possible life form there just not developed.

  2. Isaac S says:

    if you are collecting the eggs everyday and storing them in the fridge, you’d never know the difference….the chicken has to be sitting on em for a good 11 days or so.

  3. SJRANCH2 says:

    Yes 2x4s 4x4s and pallet slats for the bottom and plywood

  4. yourgonnadieclowns says:

    what wood did you use? are those 2x4s???

  5. itsjustdeb579 says:

    A white egg is just as natural as a brown egg. Its the breed that changes the color. Some lay white, some brown, some spotted, some bluish green. A white egg is just as natural as a brown.

  6. SJRANCH2 says:

    I have been eating the eggs for years and years . They are perfectly fine to eat but I guess that would be a personal choice people would have to make for themselves.

  7. AiritonColton11 says:

    i see you have a rooster with the hens but yet you say you eat the eggs. I thought if they where fertilized you don’t eat them

  8. AllAlaskan907 says:

    What about Americaunas and Americauna cross breeds that lay blue and green eggs? :D

  9. SJRANCH2 says:

    Hello, The deminsions are 3ft deep 6ft wide and 4 ft tall, I only keep six hens in mine. For 25 you would need something bigger, My daughter is in 4-H as well it is a great organization. As for not much to spend my coop was built out of recycled wood no cost. you could always check craigs list or freecycle to find some cheap or free building materials use what you have !!!

  10. Jaclyn Klaesen says:

    My son is getting 25 chickens from the TN 4-H chick chain. Do you think this is plenty of room for 25 chickens? I don’t have much to spend, so I cant go all out and this looks pretty simple!! Thanks

    also, what are your deminsions?

  11. GuillowsFAN says:

    i will get my chicks from TSC (tracktor supply co)i like rhode island reds because
    thay lay brown eggs. why? because i had always eaten white eggs and i think that white in my mind is not natural.brown is a natural color which makes the eggs seem more natural.

  12. SJRANCH2 says:

    you cant go wrong with the rhode island reds great egg layers !!!

  13. GuillowsFAN says:

    GERAT CHICKEN COOP!!!!!! i am going to get some rhode island reds this year! i have never had chickens before so this will be my first time!!

  14. caohorse says:

    I’m getting 3 Chinese silkies in the summer!:)

  15. sain0777 says:

    Nice coop and effects.

  16. SJRANCH2 says:

    I have read that the light brahmas are very good egg layers!! With 15 of them you will have plenty of eggs to eat-give away or sell.

  17. jose9950 says:

    im fixing to get 15 Light Brahma hens

  18. morningdove3202 says:

    roosters also protect the hens….

  19. Roberto417 says:

    I am fixin to buy some rhode island reds and i needed to build a coop. Thanks, great website.

  20. mathie123 says:

    how many chicken could this hold

  21. teeno38 says:

    cool coop

  22. animalcaredude says:

    nice coop!

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