Building a Duck House

| March 11, 2014 | 25 Comments

It took about four days of hard work to build this duck house. I think it is a little over-constructed for two ducks!
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Irene Kale says:

    What spoiled ducks. Our four are quite happy in a dog kennel, and have
    cheerfully destroyed the once lush green in their run. Demonic ducks will
    turn every patch of green to mud, they’ll eat it and poop it everywhere,
    including into that posh hot tub!

  2. Evelyn S. says:

    Love your duck house!!

  3. Mondo Gilbraltar says:

    Over constructed for 2 :) I want to live there! What a great job. Love
    your son’s summary and actually not anyone can build it… I cant but I
    loved watching.

  4. James Alva Smith says:

    I love my Ducks Jumbow

  5. Keaton Parks says:

    can they fly? and should i get these kind of ducks or pekin ducks?

  6. tyler bennett says:

    those are nice ducks now you might half to get some more lol

  7. 281RV says:

    where did you get that motor for the door?

  8. Scarlett Gonzales says:

    Aww the duckies r really happy at the end

  9. jjamwfamily says:


  10. Will Hug says:

    nice vid, does the pond filter work as ive just bought 3 ducks and they are
    so messy in there pond atm i have to empty it out daily

  11. violaduck says:

    Love the pond!

  12. meegamoko says:

    I am so proud of the boy who is helping!

  13. Lizzi Bratz says:

    That big just for 2 ducks but I gotta say it’s good

  14. jjamwfamily says:

    No. Ducks can fend off the cats. It is raccoons, skunks and opossum you
    have to worry about.

  15. Rocksolid109 says:

    Oh that’s a great idea to recycle the box spring frame! Thanks.

  16. Scar A says:

    Your ducks are beautiful man, thanks for sharing.

  17. vermonstermom says:

    Wonderful! You have lucky ducks, and a cute family too!

  18. darien1 says:

    lol very nice, lol only two ducks, why cant you get more . and get some
    white ducks. donald duck. And they looove small fish u buy from aquarium
    store. give them as treats sometimes, and eats cabbage and peas, and cooked
    rice. Also painting their house is a bad idea. they dont like the scent of
    the paint, too strong. better to just leave it unpainted on the inside. And
    i want to go over and touch your ducks. climb your fence . XD

  19. IDKninjawaffles says:

    it looks like you had great family fun building this house. I am going to
    use the roof idea thanks

  20. Foofty Lisa says:

    very sweet of you! nice duckie luxery condo. I HATE when the predators get
    them. We have a large pond w/aeriator for our ducks and gooses to escape to
    when a predator comes, but one always manages to get nabbed by something,
    like fox, coyote or big black owl

  21. iClawzeh says:

    Far two big!

  22. jjamwfamily says:

    We have two Cayuga Ducks and a Fawn Runner

  23. Jenna M says:

    They are so cute!! Real nice duck house! It looks like those duckies are
    spoiled. Nice Job Duckiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  24. Hannah Jones says:

    That is great that you have made such a nice habitat for your ducks.

  25. jjamwfamily says:

    Hi everyone, Here are a few updates. 1) The duck pond filter does not work.
    It just gets clogged up with gunk. 2) The ducks sometime don’t go in at
    night because they like hanging out under the house. Next time I’ll build
    the house directly on the ground.

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