Building a Hen House and Chicken Run at home

| February 18, 2014 | 3 Comments

Building a Hen House and Chicken Run at home

We’ve just got our first four hens, but before we got them came the building of a hen house and outdoor run. We opted for adapting a shed so that cleaning wo…
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  1. Leo James says:

    I let my hens free range for a significant amount of time and last month we
    suffered a fox attack, leaving only one survivor. My children witnessed
    the attack and no longer think foxes are remotely cute. They are very
    quick and efficient when they go into kill mode, but won’t stop until they
    have killed as many as they can. The lone survivor was looking rather sad
    on her own, so we now have her a new roomie, Doris, kindly donated by a
    lovely lady. More hens to be added this year, but no unguarded free
    ranging until anti-fox measures are complete.

  2. Leo James says:


  3. peter gray says:

    watch out for foxes

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