building a henhouse 1

| December 18, 2013 | 25 Comments

REPOST! everything is harder to do when you have to do everything by yourself. over the years ive come up with ways to compensate for only having two hands. … ◅◅ There are a wide variety of hen house plans available right now that you may feel overwhelmed in choosing which…

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  1. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    thanks for watching! part two may be a couple days. ive got to gather more
    materials and such. (scrounging and scavenging)

  2. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    thanks! im going to town now to pick up the chicken wire. i found some
    pretty cheap at tractor supply.

  3. louis zacek says:

    looking good

  4. subtac says:

    Mmm… Mexican food!

  5. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    well im almost got my heart working again. i went to lowes and home depot
    website to get a price on chicken wire. MY GOD!!!!! that stuff has gone
    through the roof! im gonna have to save a while before i can afford it.

  6. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    im shooting for 5-6 hens. when i get an idea if i can keep up with thegges
    or if they are giving me all i need,ill adjust the amount of hens as
    needed. i explain the dead pines in my next video.

  7. 2LateIWon says:

    With your camera and you walking it looked like the house was dancing LOL
    Looks good so far buddy

  8. subtac says:

    If I was close enough you probably could. Carpentry, Mexican Food, and
    friends are hard to pass up! :-)

  9. contreeman says:

    take care of the better half you’ll need her for more than holding rafters.
    great start on chicken pen

  10. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    hmmmmm,,,, i did not know that. maybe i’ll eliminate the hot tub.

  11. Al Stock says:

    When you put on the chicken wire around the cage.. listen to prev. poster
    “CGLouisiana”.. You really oughta dig a narrow trench all the way around
    the cage bottom and sink your side wire a foot or so deep. Keeps critters
    from digging under the bottom of the cage to get at your birds… Also,
    gonna have electric, water run to the house? Electric anyway.. so you have
    light to make constant 14 hours days year round. Much better for egg

  12. TampaToy813 says:

    Looking awesom bc. :-)

  13. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    i hope i have some chicks that are so happy they lay eggs forever and i
    never have to find out if i have the killer in me or not. im pretty sure i
    dont. my wife really doesnt want to be involved in this project because she
    is afraid ill try to bring the chickens in if its to cold ,,, or too hot,or
    if they seem lonely.

  14. 19stoney64 says:

    Worked on building a door today for the opposite end of mine. Fired up the
    wood stove in the shop for the first time since weather has turned. Wait
    til you see the price of the wire! You may want to convert it into a
    storage shed instead. Ha!!

  15. clintard says:

    Holy crap that image stabilizing crap is messin with me makin me sea sick

  16. John Strabismus says:

    Everything looks good, but I sincerely hope you consulted a feng shui
    expert before placing and orienting the henhouse.

  17. imasurvivornthriver says:

    Great start! Looking forward to the next update. :-)

  18. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:


  19. NWOIS666 says:

    Looking good bc; Can’t wait to see your progress : )

  20. 1crazynordlander says:

    I ran across Engineer775 on YouTube one day little over a year ago. He was
    talking about prepping. Prepping for what I asked myself. As I watched his
    and other prepper channels I realized our parents and grandparents had
    always prepped. In a sense all of us kids prep. Why? if we didn’t we would
    freeze to death up in this God forsaken country. I have done cattle chores
    in -80 degree wind chill. My daughter insisted she drive her CJ7 rag top
    Jeep to school. She had frost on her eye lashes.

  21. hayes stephen says:

    I am sorry if missed it, how many hens will you have? Man your property
    looks beautiful~~ The short pines look like they are dead? Love this video.
    Thank you Mam for helping out with the hen abode.

  22. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    so can i expect your help in the morning? im making fajitas!

  23. don alfano says:

    60 degrees frigid? I was out yesterday morning at 40 degrees here in Maine
    with just a long sleeve shirt and remarked to my daughter how beautifully
    comfortable it was to work without sweating ;-) Good job so far, but I
    guess you don’t need to worry about snow loads where you are.

  24. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    give it a couple more days, if it doesnt show ill mail you some more using
    UPS!!! i despise the post office. this aint the first time ive had a
    package go missing. my freind imasurvivorandthriver had a subscriber
    contest package go missing as well.

  25. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    well im at a point where i cant continue without my chicken wire,tin for
    the roof,and plywood. here comes the part i dont like. im actually gonna
    have to break down and spend a little money.

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