Building a mobile laying hen house

| October 14, 2013 | 17 Comments

How to build a mobile laying hen house.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Backyard Chicken Coop Plans Available: “Free Green building” Thought I would share my version of a “Pallet Hen house” Ch…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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  1. Brandywine Sustainable Farm says:

    Chickens roost on the poles. Only one or two go in the boxes occassionally. Lock them in for 2-3 days so they know its home. The hens do lay in the boxes. They have favorites.

  2. Liam O'Toole says:

    Great job! Looking to do something very similar. Very tidy and simple layout. One question, how did the hens take to the roost poles? Do they tend to roost in the nest boxes also. Thanks.

  3. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thanks for Stopping By… The ladies are funny kids. we get a kick out of just watching them mess around the yard sometimes… :)

  4. thebuttontin says:

    Just came over from Troys channel and I subscribed. Just checking out your channel. I have chickens too. Funny, when they were checking out the coop, they thought that bottom section was a feeder.

  5. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thats for sure.. Cant beat it! Thank You Glad to help.

  6. lindag j-l says:

    I live way out in the country to, great isn’t it? Thats a nice coop, I’ve been thinking about building my own. You gave me ideas especially on what I can do with all my feed sacks now. Great video.

  7. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    “Couldn’t Beat the price!”

  8. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thank you. Glad to help. I hope the feed bags do the trick for you… they worked perfect for us. the ladies love it. roughly dozen a day :) No complaints. My roof ended up being free! could beat the price…

  9. Eva Bradley says:

    absolutely brilliant. :) My coop is much smaller, so I was able to use an old dented discarded truck bed cap for my roof. I do want to go larger though with the next coop, so I guess I’ll start saving my feed bags. Thanks for posting the video!

  10. Edy Kizaki says:

    nice, thanks.

  11. Ashok kumar says:

    sir,  we have 10 hatching farms for nattu koli(country checks avilb) in tamilnadu, we are supplying every week 10000/- birds if you want any body pls call Mr.Ashok-08344023161

  12. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thanks for watching. Down the road we have a cheese factory and they have a huge dumpster they dispose the pallets on a regular bases and It’s a fight to catch them. Most of the “smart” locals will grab them up asap so you’re right I am lucky… LOL :) I had been keeping the feed bags for some reason just didn’t know what until now. :) Thanks again for watching the update video will be up soon.

  13. Douglas Christie says:

    great idea, you were really lucky to get those pallets and the feed bag was an awesome idea

  14. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thanks :)

  15. FatMaxJoe420 says:

    I notice most people don’t watch to the end… Who knows what George the rooster says?

  16. stuffcomesandgoes says:

    Nice Job so far!

  17. Kasulis JoeCustom says:

    work in progress

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