CCONLY CC78 Chicken Coop & Run Backyard Poultry Hen House

| July 3, 2013 | 14 Comments

Chicken Coop & Run Backyard Poultry Hen House BY CCONLY CC-78 / CC-78H / CC-78R2 / CC-78R2H.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Made in our UK Workshop, complete with 3 birds. Compact and ideal for smaller gardens and city or town lives. We will supply you with 3 hens free of charge i…

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. bicylindrico says:

    Sounded fine to me

  2. jokeybob says:

    Audio is real bad.

  3. 4ohioafc says:

    Look good when the lift kits is on !

  4. mrryanthebest says:

    hi im new to youtube so could you send me a message please so we can talk about them thanks :)

  5. thepoultrypeople says:

    hi, yes still making them, ebay is too cuthroat so we only do them to specification these days, send over a message if youd like to take to us about one, thanks

  6. mrryanthebest says:

    hello do you still sell these? as i would like one also your ebay page is not loading?

  7. Bongo OldChap says:

    they squat down and an egg comes out of hole called the cloaca, its a good sized house for 3 hens, I take it youve never seen battery hens then?  theres loads of room upstairs if youve ever seen chickens roost, we dont recommend keeping them in here all the time, we allow ours to free range around the garden during the day and then they put themselves to bed at night
    the ark is easily moved around as well onto new pasture and ground if you did decide to keep them enclosed

  8. TheJamiesjamiesjamie says:

    how do they lay and its small

  9. FishMan266 says:

    love the great danes…..and the coop

  10. thepoultrypeople says:

    There is a 1cm gap running along the top of the opening side the length of the ark, this provides sufficient ventilation. Because the ark is made from timber it will move with the weather and there will always be air gaps allowing sufficient ventilation but NOT large enough to be drafty.

  11. yvell says:

    How do they breath when you close the upstairs apartment?

  12. Alexis Masters says:

    I love the innovation on this ark of the hinged bottom door, but I can’t tell from this video or the other one where your ventilation is. I finally found a builder who almost replicated your original “chookery” for me. We had trouble over on this side of the pond finding reasonably priced tongue and groove cedar, but eventually it all worked out. Thanks again for your wonderful videos. ~ Alexis from California

  13. thepoultrypeople says:

    What you tend to find is that the chickens like to huddle together in groups. They will sleep almost anywhere, Id try it and see how they get on and then rearrange if it doesnt work. Good luck with them.

  14. teenmod12 says:

    hello. so, i am new to chicken keeping. tomorrow i am putting the cedar shakes on my chicken ark, similar to the one you have but much larger, and i am wondering about nesting. can the chickens nest in herb pots. the ones i am thinking about using are about 16 inches across, 6 inches tall, round and shaped like a large soup bowl. they are clay with a shiny earth glaze on the out side. if i put some hay in them will the chickens live in them. thx

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