Charles in Charge – A Fox in the Henhouse (1 of 2)

| October 29, 2013 | 31 Comments

Season 2 Charles in Charge episode.
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New Hen House going up and Garden Update June 30, 2013

Working on the new hen house and how the retreat garden is doing. Tuesday’s 8pm central time…

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  1. Ryan Yang says:

    10:17 classic Charles in despair

    Sinbad the SEXmaniac…..classic!

  2. TVTestKitchen says:

    Chuck Lorre wrote this episode?! Wow, this is a far cry from Charlie Sheen & Sheldon Cooper

  3. BigStickBean3 says:

    Wasn’t just you.  That’s what happened.

  4. materialgirl8707 says:

    Scott Baio in a hospital gown gives me a sweet sensation!!!! ;)

  5. rgalang74 says:

    I did hear that 14:17

  6. violinplayer101 says:

    Is it just me or did someone in the audience laugh and say ‘beaker’? lol

  7. michprepperswife says:

    I love your vids. If I may ask what area of Texas do you live in? You have lots of beautiful trees. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. kakasanti says:

    How many acres do you have here?

  9. troy brownrigg says:

    Chickhens eat anything that moves.

  10. troy brownrigg says:

    I don’t attemp potatatoes in Arizona, in the shape yesterday it was 115 Degrees. Squash, green bean, radishes, garlic, Onions. do OK here.

  11. JeanineAdele says:

    I wonder if chickens eat scorpions?

  12. PetPrepper says:

    My first scorpion!!!!!!!!

  13. Cheeky Saver says:

    I have stumbled upon something on youtube… a guy hand drilling wells … i am not sure if it is something you can use out there or if you guys have looked into it… it was surprising how easy it was for them and how they have it down to a real science. They have a website that teaches people to do it themselves. It was pretty cool to find something so useful for free online. The guy’s youtube name is dawmlw if you want to check it out.

  14. Sheila6325 says:

    My Goodness! That chicken coop looks fantastic! It’s so a huge amount of room too. Bet you can get a bunch of straw in there too. Wow, I think the garden looks great, especially when you consider the weather everyone has had. 106 degrees is way too much for me. I will be in air conditioning when that happens here. I’m always amazed at how well your doing when I think of how things started there. I only wish I was as together as much you are now. Keep on keeping on, even if I am too slow.

  15. Woodsygirl62 says:

    Venison steak harvest looks good lol Garden looks good. Sometime can you do a close-up of the leaves on the mulberry tree? we have one and according my research there are 2 kinds and the leaves are way different. Thanks for the great pb show last night. Blessings.

  16. PetPrepper says:

    Oh my Lord, there were so many things I wanted to say in this video and forgot once I saw the size of your chicken coop! You both have outdone yourselves. Welcome 30+ chickens my friends. Everything looks amazing…wish I was there

  17. freakygeaktwo says:

    nice update sad some of those plants look like they are done before they got started :( nice size to the red potatoes though :) is you going to send that clawed pointy tailed thing to PetPrepper ???? :O thanks for sharing

  18. DinoandPebbles Store says:

    Your chickens will love those tomato horn worms!

  19. Iam1uglyguy says:

    Looks great, you gonna miss the chickens moving from their current home? :-)

  20. geniusinexile says:

    Everything looks great! I am so glad you got your first peach, watch it! now youre going to get tons! Tell you know how to start diggin more holes…heehee
    watch the scorps, they travel in pairs!

  21. Randy J says:

    I picked cherries today. Was going to make pies but a recipe malfunction cause a plan B shift. I ended up with 3 1/2 pints of jam.

  22. ThreeBeesKitchen says:

    I think you’re doing well for your location and the fact that almost all the trees are new. Looking good…and with all the stuff you show putting up if shtf you’d have time before your garden had to support everyone.

    We had a scorpion…she hated me…lol.

  23. M0D0C42 says:

    The chicken house looks great. I’d like to live there, what’s the rent?
    I hope the ‘reds’ do good next year, too. I’m still trying to figure out what grows the best here.So far, my conclusion is: nothing. :)

  24. AgainEven says:

    lol The Scorpion made remember when I was young. We live in S.A. and of course we had a few from time to time…When my kid sis got stung, we found out she’s got a sensitivity to them. The doc told us the easiest way to get rid of them, is to shoot a stream of water from a spray bottle at them. They will sting them self in the head, and kill them self. Some years later I had to get rid of one or two and sure enough, it worked!

  25. TheEqualizer64 says:

    Scorpions are just a fact of life in the Tex. country. I kill them once in a while in the house here. Have you seen them carry their babies on their back?

  26. sha whit says:

    Everything was looking real good until…..Scorpion? Now really, stop growing those! lol

  27. 29render says:

    looks great

  28. Janelle says:

    looking good

  29. charley marcus says:

    my old man would be in a fit over the deer

  30. bigbaddawn says:

    Everything looks so wonderful, keep up the great work!!!

  31. christopher popovich says:

    what is the tobacco use for

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