Chicken Coop

| December 7, 2013 | 16 Comments

LHA’s chickens grow faster than expected and have to be moved to the almost finished coop. Then the dog visits…
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Click Here! ▻ Chicken Coop Guide…………………………………………………………..

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  1. Morgan Le Fay says:

    I watched this with my cat sitting on my lap, and she kept looking around
    trying to find the source of the chirping. Cute!

  2. muggyruggy says:

    very sweet

  3. laurafoster327 says:

    Your dog looks like mine. Her name is Lexy. She’ll be 6 in July, but she
    acts like a 2-year-old. The chickens are cute! :0D

  4. aymyeyehurts says:

    Mann that’s an awesome chicken coop!

  5. rtpuppydog says:

    I’m seeing a movie in the making… the unbreakable bond between chicks and
    one German Shepard(?not sure if that is the breed, but a beautiful dog just
    the same). The chicks seem very interested in the dog. It looks like the
    two get along well when there isn’t a risk of unfriendly contact.

  6. Josie B says:

    aww chickens =D soo cute!

  7. Andrea Blythe says:

    They are sooo cute and sweet!

  8. afoolishsomething says:

    those are all adorable. but that look starting at 1:56 is SO. SAD. Like
    “Save us from big scary german shepherd before he EATS US BABY CHICKENSES!”

  9. Morgan Le Fay says:

    I watched this with my cat sitting on my lap, and she kept looking around
    trying to find the source of the chirping. Cute!

  10. muggyruggy says:

    very sweet

  11. laurafoster327 says:

    Your dog looks like mine. Her name is Lexy. She’ll be 6 in July, but she
    acts like a 2-year-old. The chickens are cute! :0D

  12. aymyeyehurts says:

    Mann that’s an awesome chicken coop!

  13. rtpuppydog says:

    I’m seeing a movie in the making… the unbreakable bond between chicks and
    one German Shepard(?not sure if that is the breed, but a beautiful dog just
    the same). The chicks seem very interested in the dog. It looks like the
    two get along well when there isn’t a risk of unfriendly contact.

  14. Josie B says:

    aww chickens =D soo cute!

  15. Andrea Blythe says:

    They are sooo cute and sweet!

  16. afoolishsomething says:

    those are all adorable. but that look starting at 1:56 is SO. SAD. Like
    “Save us from big scary german shepherd before he EATS US BABY CHICKENSES!”

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