Chicken Coop & Chickens 2010 4H

| November 10, 2013 | 25 Comments

Maya’s chicken coop and chicken video for the poultry club of the 4H.
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This video serves as an introduction to how to gather your chicken eggs and misc information and tips on caring for chicken. A tip not mentioned in the film …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. RA Brown says:

    Chicken breeds do vary in temperament. Plenty of information is on-line
    with lots of information about average egg production, eggs color and size,
    whether they are heat or cold tolerant, etc. – just about anything you
    would want to know.

  2. RA Brown says:

    The chicken’s ear is a fleshy disk like area below the chicken’s eye on the
    side of its head.

  3. James says:

    I’m guessing when you put them in the fridge the cells stop dividing.

  4. TIttyFairy says:

    how do u have a chicken and a hen in the same area with out there eggs
    becoming chicks?

  5. GorillaGroupie says:

    I have female guineas with my chickens and they act more like guard dogs
    and they lay their eggs with the others and also will sit on eggs to hatch
    naturally. No cannibalism either.

  6. puddnheadamerican says:

    Great vid. Glad to see you’re back from that horrific rooster attack, that
    rooster nearly took of head let only what it did to your arm.

  7. Cee Cee Queenly says:

    Yeah man!! :o)

  8. sunnylandcamper says:

    I sure miss my chickens….had a lot of fun with them..I hope to have some

  9. Korbin Mondschien says:

    Yes. They actually tend to have a better survival rate if hatched with them.

  10. jahad222 says:

    how about ducks………with the chickens? and do chicks have to be 6 mo
    old before they start laying? what kind of “heat”" do you put in the pens?
    my neighbor just got 4 baby chicks and is putting them outside in a hen
    house he bought……….I think they are too young yet. just babies he has
    been keeping inside………….. ???

  11. Timothy Carey says:

    I’d keep them inside unless he has a heat lamp set up. Then it’s fine
    depending on out side temps and his set up. They need to be able to warm up
    and cool down. Thell regulate there own body temps.

  12. athatcher85 says:

    Awesome bro!!! this was one of the best informational videos about
    chcikens. cant wait to learn some more on the next videos. Thanks!!!

  13. Timothy Carey says:

    Thank you. There won’t be anymore chicken videos for a long while. The land
    owner and I had a falling out is the very short version. But there are a
    lot of other self sufficiency videos to come. Thank you for the compliment.
    Chickens are actually easier than most think. Of course there are a lot of
    little tricks to them but the only way to learn how to swim is JUMP IN THE
    WATER! Best of luck. Keep me posted on your success!

  14. Timothy Carey says:

    Do reply back once you get your own chickens. They are really fun and
    rewarding to work with. Except the rooster, they can be “special”. I’ve
    learned to use a stick w/ them and they want nothing to do w/ that!! He
    goes to bite it he gets a mouth full of wood. Then he runs away! LOL A lot
    more humane way to deal with them and just way easier and safer.

  15. Timothy Carey says:


  16. Timothy Carey says:

    I wasn’t sure how to spell it. Thank you for the correction. :)

  17. Timothy Carey says:

    I’m making this a series. Next will either be on breeds or on what to do
    with the eggs before incubating and how to incubate. I think your thinking
    of guineas. They LOVE ticks!

  18. 2619832009 says:

    nice, great info. cant wait to see more

  19. Timothy Carey says:


  20. Timothy Carey says:

    They are fun. I even look forward to the daily quarrel with the rooster lol

  21. RedBerry at Homestead Hopes says:

    Ohh I know how that can go. Sorry you are having to deal with the mess &
    hope you could figure out something to have your chickens again. Seems you
    are very good with them. But I will still look forward to your other
    videos. If I could gather up a lil cash & figure a coop out~~I think I just
    may JUMP IN! LOL You will be the 1st to know if I get chickens. I just love
    the looks of them also. Think they are beautiful. Thanks.

  22. Korbin Mondschien says:

    There are a few breeds that don’t follow the ear color rule. I can’t
    remember which ones, but I don’t think they’re ones you want for egg
    production. Also, for your reply to someone else about guineas, so long as
    they’ve been raised around chickens and ducks they won’t kill them.
    However, they can and will breed with chickens as well as peafowl.

  23. Timothy Carey says:

    SW Oklahoma. I wouldn’t. I don’t have experience with turkeys so i cant
    answer this completely. But I do know that if you put chickens in w. ones
    much bigger and older they tend to pick on them and kill them sometimes.
    That I have experience with.

  24. Jason Brossett says:

    How do the chickens get on top the perching sticks.

  25. Timothy Carey says:

    They’re cool huh? :)

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