Chicken coop flaw #10-The Chicken Coop Slide

| February 7, 2014 | 10 Comments

I’m just gonna keep it real and tell you what my flaws are while I resign this coop.

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  1. Thumperlane Homestead says:

    Yes!!! I have that diversion channel built. it carries the water coming
    from down the hill right into it and away. But we get 70+ inches of rain a
    year so it’s the rain that falls from above and blows to it that is causing
    my issue. I think… I have it leveled enough at this point I won’t
    slide!!!! Let’s keep fingers crossed! ;-)

  2. Thumperlane Homestead says:

    I actually have a trough filled in with gravel/rocks all around the coop.
    To funnel the water coming from the hill away from the coop. It’s the rain
    that comes directly down that causes the mess. ;-( And yes Elyse… keep
    giving me more stuff to do! Hahahaha

  3. Rob Bob says:

    Trying to divert the flow might be the best way to go as 2redbird1
    suggested :)

  4. darkmoonlady2002 says:

    Divert the water before it gets to the coop, wait til it rains and mark
    where the water comes down, then dig a small diversion channel with gravel
    around the coop and away from it. For the sliding just use some paver
    stones in the coop to step on.

  5. OneYardRevolution says:

    I think the chicken coop is great. I know the feeling, though. Plan, plan,
    and plan, but still miss at least something. Is the house light enough to
    raise up a little? If so, that might enable you to raise the surrounding
    area. I enjoyed the video.

  6. Thumperlane Homestead says:

    The house is totally heavy…. I built it to last! :-) Just like an
    actually small bedroom. Hahahaha

  7. 2redbird1 says:

    You might be better off digging a drainage ditch & directing the water
    around the pin. An afternoon w rented CAT front loader would fix you up. If
    the clay won’t keep erosion at bay scour the property for stone.

  8. Thumperlane Homestead says:

    Thanks Rob. It actually has a foot by foot ditch filled with large rocks to
    move the water away from it. But we get a ton… TON of rain so it’s the
    rain that comes from above that is the issue.

  9. Elyse Joseph says:

    Loved that video! You could maybe do a swale to divert the water. I can’t
    believe how hard you work at all this, you’re a very courageous woman! And
    here I am telling you to work some more! I also love our chats via videos,
    take care sweetie :)

  10. Thumperlane Homestead says:

    There is a drainage ditch around the pen. A foot wide and a foot deep with
    large rocks in it to drain the water coming from up the hill in to the
    coop. But with 70 inches of rain a year.. I sadly believe I will always
    have this slide problem. I did however level it out and put straw down. So
    now…. No more slide! Yay!!! I so wish I could even get a CAT in to this
    area… The bottom portion of the land is to steep and wooded for anything
    like that to be driving in. ;-(

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