Chicken Coop Guides – Build Simple Chicken Coop at Home

| November 9, 2013 | 25 Comments

Chicken Coop Guides: Blog:…
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DIY How to Build a PVC Chicken FEEDER

See how to build an EASY chicken feeder from PVC pipe. see more at:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. spiritartman says:

    Another Great Green Power Video!!! How’s it going Rick? – Summer Came and
    Went – I”m looking in Abbeville, SC – how did your Garden do this season?
    Tomatoes just started 2 weeks ago for me. LOL

  2. ABO ARAB says:

    Thank you for your good idea

  3. Sergio Cruz says:

    Sweet thnxs. im new w/ the chicken stuff haha. this really helps.

  4. Jean Botts says:

    Great shop…great idea thanks

  5. Shameem Ahmed says:

    genious, many many thanks for shareing

  6. TheBereangirl says:

    ewwwww – gross! I was just going to ask about the rodent issue. I just
    don’t understand why the chicken industry doesn’t provide lidded chicken
    feeders, since rodents seem to be a common problem with all feeders. Thanks
    for the info =)

  7. Brandon Calabrese says:

    Watch: Clubbing baby seals with ginger baby :)

  8. lou pelez says:

    Dont watch this guy he shocks cats for fun boooooo

  9. rm0234 says:

    cool. i like to teach chickens to respond to their name.

  10. bob billy says:

    awsome videos

  11. Neeraj Lohchab says:

    put a finer mesh to keep rats out?

  12. Mike Fas says:

    seems like they can jump on it and poop in/on it. good idea but i would lay
    it flat against the wall instead of sticking out in the middle like

  13. Hamish Gale says:

    Ok so I made one just like this. The chickens can only get their head in
    the hole. Filled it up. Came home and all of the feed is on the floor.
    Seems it just flows down the pipe and straight out the holes. Yes the
    holes. We’re above the centre line of the pipe. Not happy with all that
    wasted feed. Any ideas? I think it needs a baffle inside the 90 degree pipe
    to stop this.

  14. Jim Marx says:

    I’m building one of these! How old should the chickens be (approx.) to use
    one of these? Mine are almost 4 weeks old and I’m sick of them throwing the
    food all over the brooder, so now I have it in a cookie tin and they have
    to jump inside to eat. Works pretty well since if they scratch they can’t
    throw the food, but I want them to get use to the type of feeder like you
    have in this video.

  15. rm0234 says:

    Hello. I like chickens

  16. getsmartnow2011 says:

    Hey Rick, I Always enjoy your videos :) I’m definately going to give this
    feeder a try. Thanks for all the great videos. ” I didn’t measure and I
    would suggest you don’t either” LOLOLOL LOVE IT!!!!!! You always teach me
    something, and make me laugh at the same time. :)

  17. rhey simon says:

    like a boss!

  18. Jim Marx says:

    Please don’t say that. I have all the materials to make one and I love the
    concept. Did the mess occur because of the chickens or the rats? Looks like
    you have it nice and solid to the coop so it shouldn’t move from the
    chickens. I need some idea other than the bell shaped feeders that can be
    purchased because all they do is kick all the food out of them and waste
    it. I need some design with very little waste. Help! what are you using now?

  19. rhey simon says:

    @london1817 link me to the video. If you may.

  20. DrBird735 says:

    To save space, try a simple verticle tube of the same size with a angled
    plate baffle to keep the feed from running out. You see these with songbird

  21. Andys Greenhouses says:

    good video….im def. gonna make me one of those….

  22. Jesstool says:

    speak up man.. wicked video but i couldnt hear the first part over the

  23. FarmScape Goods says:

    Ok, this might solve my problem. Thanks for the vid.

  24. Hamish Gale says:

    Hey i fixed my feeder. Video on my channel.

  25. kschroe1816 says:

    I would like to find a similar plan for a smaller feeder for a smaller
    coop. I bet some chickens would still sit on this thing and poop in it. :-)
    Your videos are very helpful. Thanks!

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