CHICKEN COOP Ideals 1 of 3

| March 15, 2014 | 8 Comments

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Another video of my new shed conversion for my chicken coop this time with the camera the correct way round Still work in progress any tips hints would be he…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. notsosilentmajority1 says:

    Great coop. The fact that you added on before you NEEDED to was smart.
    Never know how many birds you may end up with.

  2. acularp says:

    With double sided adhesive tape on each end of the bar, no crawling
    bloodsucking bug can reach the roosting chickens. Replace tape regurarly.
    In my country these are called blood lice and can literally suck the
    chicken dry over months time. During the day these bugs hide in seams and
    attack at night.

  3. Joan Sholl Francis says:

    Really nice 3 videos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. HOSS-IT-IS says:

    @Kathi W no i do not have any plans i just did what i liked and that is
    what i came up with.

  5. Kathi W says:

    do you have plans for this coop I just love the roof fan and the way you
    did your nesting beds!!!

  6. acularp says:

    Looks great! I have roosting bars that are (hope I say this clearly)
    rounded off (instead of square) which should be better for chicken´s feet.

  7. Onebadpowerstroke says:

    Like the coop glad I got to see you build it and help a little

  8. HOSS-IT-IS says:

    thanks for watching

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