chicken coop, rabbit hutch hoop houses

| March 24, 2014 | 25 Comments

Both my chicken coop and my rabbit hutch are hoop houses, made from 16′ galvanized cattle panels. Hutch is 95% done, will be getting the rabbits soon.
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  1. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    @cantecleer – we are allowed to have chickens here but why antagonize the
    neighbors with roosters? I also have small kids that want to help with the
    chickens and I don’t want some rooster spurring them…

  2. ship4brains says:

    Do you have a video of making the pens ? Awesome design . Thanks for the

  3. cubaniton74 says:

    Thank you.

  4. bouncingbunnies101 says:

    Those poor rabbits. You know they will develope sore hocks! Or even bummble

  5. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    Of course not, they are your pets and you love them. But one person’s pet
    is another’s food, there are people that have pet cows and pigs but plenty
    of others eat them…

  6. macie summers says:

    so not for pets?

  7. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    @hannanasje1987 – No problem. The only reason we have domesticated rabbits
    today is because they were specifically domesticated long ago to eat and
    for their pelts. I like that some folks keep them as pets, and they
    probably make great ones, but we keep them for the use that they were
    originally domesticated for.

  8. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    It is right around 6′ tall inside.

  9. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    Sure. Rabbits, chickens and (gasp) guinea pigs were originally domesticated
    to be eaten. I respect the rights of anyone who keeps them as pets, they
    are fine pets, but that is not the role they fill in my life or the lives
    of the majority of the people who keep them.

  10. macie summers says:

    do you really eat them???

  11. macie summers says:

    so you would eat my guinea pigs if you could get your hands on them

  12. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    I don’t think you should put the rabbits with chickens, just what I’ve been

  13. Missy Rabbit says:

    that is a nice hutch. if you put the hutches higher, you could just slide a
    wheelbarrow underneath

  14. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:


  15. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    @hannanasje1987 – A lot of reasons why they aren’t loose in the building.
    There is no floor, they would dig out very quickly. We also have foxes,
    skunks, coyotes, and raccoons here, they would be more inclined to dig
    under were the rabbits loose. I could not control the breedings with loose
    rabbits, and the wild rabbits here could make physical contact with them
    and pass diseases, and finally I could not have tarps under the cages for
    pee/poop, ground would foul quickly. Hope that helps.

  16. whopper and lotje says:

    @RedeemingDogs you said alot of things that you could help. no floor…you
    know how.. you dont look poor rabbit breeding: you can fix them. diseases:
    you can prevent them. poop: mine is littertrained: its so easy. i don’t say
    your bad for your animals cause all the other look very happy and have so
    much room but thats why i think its so sad for the bunnies.

  17. Team Too Deep! says:

    @RedeemingDogs I have raised poultry for years, and believe it or not i
    have never had a rooster attack my son, a toddler, everything i raise has
    always been very good, but i have been to other peoples house who’s
    roosters were kinna mean. I had a black giant rooster that was such a good
    rooster, when i would feed them table scraps, he would call the hens over
    and give them all some feed before he would it, it amazed me how much he
    took care of his ladies.

  18. Selene F. says:

    sometimes a hen will crow when there is no rooster to step up to the plate.

  19. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    Once the wood frames are fastened on the ends of the hoops the buildings
    are incredibly rigid. I think I could climb up on top and stand easily. So
    the frames on the end are key.

  20. whopper and lotje says:

    @samuelwaynefoleyjr why arent your rabbits running free in such a big hutch

  21. megdesmik says:

    I’m building a setup like yours for my chickens and I was wondering how you
    keep the panels stable? I’ve got landscape timbers on bottom strapped to
    rebar that’s pounded into the ground and the cattle panel hoop is against
    the landscape timbers on the inside. My panel is kinda wobbly, like back
    and forth. Will it be more stable once I add more panels or do I need to do
    more? I noticed in yours you had wood agianst your panels on the inside and
    the outside? Is it attatched or what?

  22. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    I used 5 panels for the rabbit building and a panel is ~4.5 feet high, by
    16 feet long. So when bent I have a hoop house that is 6 feet tall, 8 feet
    wide, and 22.5 feet long. So you can adjust the length based on how many
    panels you use. I think the chicken coop has four panels.

  23. Team Too Deep! says:

    @hannanasje1987 yeah u can’t keep rabbits together in a big pen, especially
    both sexes together, they must not know that the males will overbreed the
    females, and other rabbits will sometimes kill other rabbits babies, they
    must be seperate especially with babies, and always seperated from males,
    except when time to breed. You have a very nice setup, i will post some
    videos of my stuff one day.

  24. cantecleer says:

    @RedeemingDogs — Yes, I totally understand that. When I first made my
    comment, I don’t think I had seen the videos where your kids are walking
    around. With small children, I can understand how roosters just aren’t a
    good idea (it makes sense as far as noise with neighbors too). I just wrote
    that because roosters are amazing (as long as you have a situation where
    you can keep it)… Anyway, I hope your chickens and rabbits are doing

  25. Redeeming Dogs - Dog Training says:

    @samuelwaynefoleyjr – Rabbits are in individual cages suspended 2 1/2 feet
    off the ground, tarps underneath collect rabbit poop and pee.

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