Chicken Coop Tour

| December 14, 2013 | 10 Comments

Here is a preview for the Seattle Tilth’s City Chickens Coop Tour. The tour, featuring nine chicken coops from across the city, is this Saturday afternoon.
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  1. AngelHeart says:

    Are chicken coops safe from cats and rats? plus does one chicken smell, if
    you clean it everyday?

  2. Michelle Moran says:

    Does anyone know where one can find a comprehensive video of all the coops?
    I missed the tour and was hoping to see the photographs/video of this
    year’s tour. Thanks!

  3. Travis Heinze says:

    3 chickens allowed for every 5000 feet

  4. cksilverado1 says:

    As long as there are no gaps for them to get in. They need a safe and
    secure place to be at night, a place within the coop to lay eggs (I use
    Rubbermaid containers), fresh food and water. They also need access to dirt
    and grass on a regular basis. You do not have to clean the coop
    everyday…I have six chickens and clean it once every couple of months.
    Sure, the coop inside stinks but not enough to make it an issue for the

  5. Ana Anara says:

    build ahealthy chicken coop easily try buildachickencoop(.)tk

  6. penkatshi says:

    Do you have any problems with other people in your city? I want to get some
    chickens and I know that hens make some noise, but has that ever caused

  7. mathie123 says:

    buff orpingtons best

  8. Ally Brutke says:


  9. MrScarcrow says:

    lol the roster was like do i look like a cat to you XD

  10. VetteKiller2002 says:

    Hens are not loud enought o be heard by a neighbor, rooster is a different
    story, But i have roosters that I have never heard crow, then some that
    never stop :/

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