Chicken Coop under $50

| December 5, 2013 | 18 Comments

Chicken Coop under

Scrap lumber, trees, trading with the neighbors, and a little work = happy chickens. Backyard Chicken Coop Plans:
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  1. chocoboasylum says:

    All the cows around here go ‘peep peep’, that’s for sure :)

  2. MrLiberty888 says:

    Peep peep! Peep peep! LOL

  3. WV Tactics says:

    I really do enjoy your videos you don’t see people being themselves very
    much anymore keep up the good work man. Wv

  4. bobinmissouri says:

    how do cows go pepp peppe lol crack me up did you put wire over the top of
    your chickem run?

  5. NWOIS666 says:

    My husband is working on a coop now on the “cheap” too lol The main thing
    is you’ll know the eggs you getting and the meat your getting. Subscribed.
    Thanks for the video

  6. Aj Prepper says:

    mmmm.. with a little more work, do you think we could contain kids in
    there?? Oops, sorry I was typing out loud again … I better go now.

  7. DOKDONTSTOP says:

    How hard or easy is it to tend to chickens, how many eggs on average will
    the produce, I wanted to do this but don’t have time to research the topic
    any help will be appreciated thanks

  8. jnull0 says:

    If you have some small trees around they make great free corner posts. Also
    I got some free plywood from campaign signs. Just some ideas.

  9. libarata says:

    Wait, you do not charge the girls rent? Could I stay in the poultry motel a
    night or two!

  10. Prepper556 says:

    For under $50 that’s one heck of a coupe! Nice work indeed!

  11. HillbillysNdaBush says:

    Nice coop for 50 bucks.. i am wanting to build a chicken tractor… but i
    am getting some resistance. The problem is we live in a small town and
    could run into some problems, but naming them as pets should fix that. I
    dont need roosters so noise wont be a problem. I also dont want to drive 40
    minutes to your house and “borrow” some of your eggs…lol

  12. jnull0 says:

    Chickens are pretty easy, they can eat just about anything scrap, and
    garden scraps. A little cracked corn, and water, and they will be happy. I
    have Rhode Island reds, and Leghorn hens. From what I have read, both
    breeds will lay between 175 – 200 eggs a year, or about one every other
    day. They lay mostly spring through early fall here. I would say you need
    2-3 hens per person in the house to eat an egg breakfast (two eggs) twice a
    week. Hope this helps.

  13. DOKDONTSTOP says:

    @jnull0. Yes it does help. Thanks

  14. theredneck prepper says:

    LOL your such a lady’s man !

  15. MissBurr1 says:

    man i love my chickens…i sit out there and visit with them…so fun to
    watch….and got eggs…..hey we gonna eat aint we……you so blessed just
    love yall

  16. Col. Richard Hunter says:

    Great vid my friend!!

  17. momz13 says:

    I’d love to have a few chickens. But between the coyotes and the bobcats,
    it would have to be a really sturdy coop to keep the girls safe!

  18. ThirdLittlePiggy says:

    Subscribed and liked

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