Chicken coop veggie garden

| March 11, 2014 | 5 Comments

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. czyhrs says:

    Mr Tunaman, those chickens have got it made , big time. That looks good. I
    like the frog pond idea–remember make it knee deep. Thank you for posting
    this. I enjoyed it.

  2. TheChristina Jo says:

    Momma likes! Keep us posted on the progress. I really like how the inside
    coop is arranged.

  3. Mark Hottuna says:

    Mr WD thanks mate, yeah it was some work for sure but I am almost there and
    the planting wont be far away, stay tuned my friend. Mark

  4. MrWhiskyDog says:

    Yeah, looking good Mark, you did some planning on this project. love it
    when a plan comes together..

  5. Mark Hottuna says:

    Thank’s for the kind comments, I will post a second vid once everything is
    planted. Cheers

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