Chicken Coop W/Led Strip Lighting, Auto Waterer and Electric Remote Door.

| March 1, 2014 | 16 Comments

My Chicken Coop.
Video Rating: 2 / 5

Updates to chicken coop Additional build info and photos are available on my blog: http://t…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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  1. Schpankme Verimuch says:

    In 1975, I was talked into switching from my Vegan life style to the new
    Paleo Diet, “to get bigger & stronger”; ten months ago, at age 50, I almost
    died from Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Type II Diabetes, Kidney
    Stones, Gout and Prostate Issues. I switched back to VEGAN (no salt, no
    oil), lost 130 lbs and have completely reversed or cured ALL of the above
    Diseases and Issues. … Go plant based Vegan; no oil, no salt, no
    processed sugar see YouTube: The Starch Solution

  2. BAMDC05 says:


  3. Tomken8d2 says:

    What, no hot tub? :)

  4. flanksteak2 says:

    I don’t have any problem with you being Vegan, what I have a problem with
    is the fact you are lying about previously being “Paleo”. Admit it. You ate
    everything. Meats, Sugary Deserts, Spaghetti, Processed Oils etc. Why blame
    the meat when it was the only natural thing in your diet? And why are you
    lying about having been “Paleo”?

  5. flanksteak2 says:

    Right. So you still stuff your face you’re just doing it with foods that
    aren’t nutrient-dense and therefore do not cause you to get fat. Hard to
    believe you had all those problems just because you ate meat and
    vegetables. Chances are you had lots of sugary shit in there, starches,

  6. caffwa says:

    They’re all female.

  7. caffwa says:

    Yes, I did build it myself, but I don’t have plans for it. I copied what I
    saw other people build and just made it up as I went along. More build
    information is available at the links in the video description.

  8. Zavannah.k horsemaster says:

    how big is your chicken coop? and how much chickens were there again?

  9. rednecktrucker1969 says:

    put a few golf balls in the other 2 nest boxes and they will lay in them.

  10. BURNINGSKULL Bass Power says:

    Is pox a male

  11. HenDaisy says:

    Practial and humorous. thank for showing. Praktische Hühnerkleinanlage
    kombiniert mit Humor. Vielen Dank.

  12. jstar1000 says:

    Nice, did you build it yourself and do you have the plans? I love it!!

  13. FullMetalDistortion says:

    @caffwa Did you dig a hole into the ground for the posts or just nail them
    to them to the bottom boards?

  14. caffwa says:

    I dug holes for the 4 corner posts. Mainly because the coop is located on a
    slope and I didn’t want it sliding downhill.

  15. TheRomeoish says:

    Best coop EVER

  16. caffwa says:

    The entire structure is 10′ long x 5′ wide. The hen house is 4′ x 5′. We
    currently have 7 hens. (But only 2 of them are laying eggs…the little

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