Chicken Coops | Chicken Coop Plans

| February 3, 2014 | 22 Comments

Chicken Coops | Chicken Coop Plans Building your own Chicken coops has it’s advantages; getting free chicken coop plans is even better! For more info on our c…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Craftsman Experience with host Alex Sherman welcomes Chris Wiley from Chicago Chicken Enthusiasts and Mark Wille a resident Chicago based woodworker and …
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. Ben Hammond says:

    How to take control of your food supply and live more sustainably with
    chickens! Build your own coop out of recycled materials with this step by
    step guide.

  2. Go Green with Greenmi says:

    @BananaJSSI THanks! I love having chickens. Kinda like fish in an aquarium,
    you know?

  3. BananaJSSI says:

    @GREENMIdotNET Right on!!

  4. BananaJSSI says:

    Excellent! Great video. We always had chickens when I was growing up.

  5. lintltj5 says:

    Wow….looks like a piece of crap. Great job Craftsman. I think my 2 year
    old could build something better.

  6. younwhosarmy . says:

    What no overhang ! Bad idea …. Overhang is a necessity on ANY
    structure… Just sayin..

  7. azem karaj says:

    what is that…chikens need fresh air…the coop that you just made it is
    all close…not windows,,,,not good..

  8. fredg451 says:

    congratulations this should win an award for the worst example of building
    a chicken coop on youtube.

  9. eltiggermalo says:

    Craftsman could of done a much better job than this embarrassment.

  10. was says:

    waaay too much framing….

  11. crisfrazer says:

    A how-to video that spends less than ten seconds on each step and gives no
    information on what the measurements are is useless.

  12. zarkinprincess says:

    Too fast for me. I could not have built that chicken coop from watching the
    video, but thanks for the idea. A demo of how the coop functions would have
    been nice. Maybe the video is for a more advanced audience. I have only
    been doing carpentry for a year or so. The thing is, Craftsman, that as I
    learn more, I buy more tools.

  13. Condee says:


  14. Carlos Joel Garcia says:

    Craftman should not have put their name on this video. They could have done
    a much better job!! It is not like they are paying for the advertising.

  15. Nick Newton says:

    I love it

  16. MAzad R says:

    Check out build it with Bosch channel… nice video of a chicken coop build.

  17. fmhs73 says:

    If you’re looking to build a chicken coop, SKIP THIS VIDEO. There is no
    ventilation or light for the chickens, no roost, no egg boxes… In fact,
    this looks just like the Guantanamo of chicken coops – a veritable Chicken
    Prison. What an epic fail.

  18. couerl says:

    Ghetto, sorry chicken fail.. From using overly expensive deck screws
    instead of framing nails, to a video that’s too short, not thought out or
    explained or with a finished product to be proud of.. I know making a coop
    isn’t rocket science and you don’t have to explain every detail, but it’s
    also not the last 30 second “powers restored captain” moment on a star trek
    episode either.

  19. Isaac Stern says:

    craftsman my ass, where is the egg box, the roost, the chicken run. I try
    not to be a troll, but fuck this is crap

  20. MK2112 says:

    This is worthless

  21. goatsears says:

    Be sure not to miss our next film “How to build a rocket” we give a full
    three minutes to that one

  22. Suri S says:

    Thisw video is way too fast for an amateur person.. need to slow down!!

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