Chicken & Egg Farm (Tutorial) – Minecraft

| March 13, 2014 | 25 Comments

Chicken & Egg Farm (Tutorial) - Minecraft

This is an in-depth tutorial how to build the all-in-one semi-automatic Minecraft chicken cooker & egg farm that I built in my let’s play world. Since chicke…

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Rodney Nelson says:

    I am guessing you did this before the funnel’s came out?

  2. Michiel Meijer says:

    It workes but al my chickins just stand stil they dont move wen they en are
    on fire i play on x box does that make a difrense i dont no 

  3. James Doble says:

    none of the little chickens go up the stair thing they all stand on first
    step and die :”(

  4. MehDunDat says:

    Do a tutorial on the christmas note block song you did!

  5. WeirdoCat says:

    That’s a boss place.

  6. hxcviperz93 says:

    why dont u put a hopper to collect all the items that are dropping

  7. jesse solano says:

    Happy Christmas Eve 

  8. Grace Conroy says:

    its so good and its even lazy-friendly im soo building this

  9. kopfjaeger308 says:

    Does this still work? I built it exactly as shown, but where you say 10% of
    the chickens will stand on the stair and not move, I’m finding it to be
    100%. The elevator will carry me to the top quite swiftly, but not

  10. Sandwichscoot says:

    What’s that texture pack?

  11. leeaustin1 says:

    Amazing how did you come up with this! my brain is hurting now lol well

  12. Haley Davis says:

    Doode you’re an expert did you do that yourself or did sombody tell you?

  13. MakinsonMovies says:

    That is the best vidoe i ever watched!

  14. Michiel Meijer says:


  15. Grace Conroy says:

    i am totally gonna build that cos i made my own underground and it sucked i
    had to walk everywhere yours is much more lazy-friendly LOL

  16. monkeyfarm says:

    lots of new ways – i updated this one in my ‘chicken farm revisited’ video.

  17. henri martin says:

    guy you can put ice under the canals so the egss will go so fast

  18. Ne0ster says:

    Could you do a tutorial to make a simple chicken farm with minimal
    redstone.. One that is useful if you are playing mc completely legit and
    just starting a new base! Thanks

  19. Noah S says:

    if u dont want to do that just make a redstone path with the dispenser in
    the coop itself hatching them

  20. Noah S says:

    If you lead the water from the side 6 blocks away it is really shallow and
    will not allow them to drown

  21. ThePele95 says:


  22. Potatoast says:

    did you mean chicken spawner egg? if so you can’t because he do all this
    thing (maybe i just heard it from random people) in survival world

  23. Cody Quint says:

    What the texture pack

  24. kamila domhof says:

    2.40 green water?

  25. emacker88 says:

    Does it work on Xbox?

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