Chicken House

| July 3, 2013 | 37 Comments

Chicken House

Important Considerations For When Building A Chicken House.

Chicken House How To.

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  1. terrancelueckgen says:

    thank you

  2. sheherazade1952 says:

    I really like the job you have done constructing your chicken house. It shows a lot of care and planning.

  3. VivianRinSC says:

    Yep, they poop on everything. lol.. Good to know about hanging a waterer. One lesson I won’t have to learn the hard way. Thanks for that.

  4. barnett1129 says:

    Thank you.

  5. SustenanceNCovering says:

    I installed a chain on the other end of the house to hang the waterer as well. I, like you, found out the hard way that it wouldn’t work.

  6. Mike Ware says:

    I tried making the water pail that would hang like the feeders. I found as my hens like to jump and sit on things they would dump the water out more frequently. maybe why they dont make them to hang?

  7. cjfieldsmasonry says:

    good looking chicken house

  8. SustenanceNCovering says:

    Thank You I’ll try to keep making them as soon as I get caught up around here.

  9. mhdd1234 says:

    good job on the video, I have enjoyed, and learned a lot of good information from your videos

  10. SustenanceNCovering says:

    Wonderful. The only reason that I do these is to help others. The only reason that I keep on doing it is when people like you confirm that I am helping someone.

  11. scrounger69 says:

    Thank you for this video, it inspired me to build one for myself.

  12. SustenanceNCovering says:

    When my chickens go to roost some face forward and some face backwards. So plan on making the roosts far enough apart so that backward chickens don’t poop on the chickens below them. Also do not put the roost close to the wall. Chickens that are too close to the wall will break all of thier tail feathers while they are sleeping if they are too close to the wall. As far as position relative to the nest boxes or any other chicken furniture, none of that matters.

  13. fancyangel21 says:

    Thank you for this video. We are just finishing our chicken coop building. Was wondering if it mattered about the roost position? higher than nest boxes?? should the roost or boxes face a certain way?

  14. Odd JobsPro says:

    nice coop! check out my coop! may help with some ideas. please subscribe!

  15. Frederick Ingle says:

    real neat,

  16. SustenanceNCovering says:

    So does Chicken Hawk.

  17. maxcine99 says:

    LMBO “I’ll tell you something raccoon tastes better then chicken” XD

  18. SustenanceNCovering says:

    Thank You For Your Support

  19. herbertderbinski says:

    thanks for posting and sharing your experience. I want chickens (fresh farm eggs really) but my yard is too small to legally have them in my city, they require 50′ from neighbors, and I’m afraid they’ll make too much noise to go unnoticed, lol. It looks like you have just about perfected your setup, and you gave a lot of good info for someone starting out, keep posting!

  20. Shareallicu says:


  21. sparenoxpense says:

    Hey Sus, I posted a video response of the design for my chicken coop and run for laying hens. Your opinion would be really great. I havn’t started construction yet, but very soon. The run will let the chickens roam free and still have a supervised outdoor play area.

  22. SustenanceNCovering says:

    I am confident that North Korea, and Iran will be invaded and conquered soon, but that will still leave 5 more, and I’m not really sure who they are. They may fall like dominoes and then again it may take thousands of lives of US military personnel combined with millions of tons of weapons of mass destruction. Those details are not clear at this time, but you will know it when you see it. Love Ya.

  23. SustenanceNCovering says:

    No. If you are asking when the Earth is going to end? That will never happen.  But if you are asking when civilization is ending, I can only say real soon. I believe that it could happen in as little as 5 years, but may hang in there for as many as 20 more years.

    The Bible says that the US will put occupational forces in every nation on the Earth before the end and of 199 countries in the world we only have occupational forces in 192 (I think).Still 7 more to go.

  24. Christian Ricks says:

    Do you think the world is ending in 2012? Haha believe what you want. Nice chicken coop though.

  25. SustenanceNCovering says:

    After my wife boiled about a half a dozen porcelain eggs, I finally gave up on them and started using golf balls myself.

  26. foxprobbgun17 says:

    just use golf balls for your fake eggs

  27. ReptileSmile13 says:

    cost effective living = low stress life

  28. ReptileSmile13 says:

    love to eat chicken = learn to create chicken / good stuff man!

  29. rednecktrucker1969 says:

    Next time you catch a raccoon you should do a video on skinning and cooking it. It would be neat to see and be very informative.

  30. shelladavis says:

    thank you so much for showing this
    i really enjoyed your vid and the information was spot on oh and the coop is fantastic

  31. David Dube says:

    For me, you made 2 great points as I’m into remodeling my house.

    First, a door just the right size for a trap, awesome. Second, love the collapsible roost since that’s what I’m remodeling. Right now the dropping go into a catch area that I clean out. After several back surgeries, I’m tired of bending over to do the clean-out. With your set-up, I can do it standing up, thanks bro. Oh, cut back on the smoke, your coughing too much:)

  32. SustenanceNCovering says:

    You Are Welcome.

  33. gracefulviolin says:

    great video! the essentials will make my hens very happy! Thanks for posting!

  34. SustenanceNCovering says:

    Yep. I will even throw the food in such a way that most of it ends up in front of the less agressive birds.

  35. txbackyardfood says:

    What a great design! Thanks for sharing your info. You clearly have some experience with this. I just finished building my first chicken tractor for 4 hens. I too have begun feeding by scattering as opposed to using a feeder. It seemed that the more aggressive birds were getting all the food when I used the feeder.

  36. SustenanceNCovering says:

    What you were almost doing, I was doing.

  37. Moby Dave says:

    Great quility chicken video it was so good I could almost smell it!

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