Chicken Tractor

| October 30, 2013 | 16 Comments

Chicken Tractor

Showing off the PVC chicken tractor. Weed control and manure disemination.
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. ohfullers says:

    Yes, they should have cover from the rain. As far as the IBC tote goes it depends how many hens you are keeping.

  2. Joe Stubbernubbensteingenson says:

    Hey there,
    I’ve been working on one of these, made of PVC… I don’t have a coop though. If the Chickens are going to live in the tractor 100% of the time, is it necessary to have some cover for them, over their nests? I want to make it all out of plastic/pvc/non-wood material, so it won’t rot when exposed to the elements and chicken waist. Will one of those IBC containers work as a coop?

  3. ohfullers says:

    Thanks Caleb, sorry for the delayed reply. There is no netting underneath.

  4. ohfullers says:

    Its not a chicken coop. Its to move around the yard and let them eat bugs and grass. Otherwise they stay in the coop and chicken yard.

  5. Ramiro Arena says:

    And if it suddenly starts to rain? The construction is not thought through.

  6. Caleb Stroud says:

    Thanks for sharing. Clean, sturdy, and light design. Does it have netting on the bottom?

  7. ohfullers says:

    3/4″ pipes

  8. says:

    really cool! what’s the size of the pvc pipes?

  9. Sean McNierney says:

    Very cool

  10. ohfullers says:

    We have 7 hens right now. Its really light and durable. It sat down by the coop all winter. Can’t think of much to change. We never left them all day but if you did maybe part shaded. They were never in there more than 4 hours at a time.

  11. Kim Walker says:

    Thanks for posting. Looks like you have 9 hens in there? We have 10. How often do you move it? Would you make any changes if you were to do it over again?

  12. ohfullers says:

    Nope, thats how God intended them to get their food. Our hens are happy and healthy.

  13. brizzx32 says:

    Hey does eating bugs give the Chickens any kind of diseases? Like ticks or fleas, what not?

  14. ohfullers says:

    about 10 feet long. 5 feet wide. 4 feet tall.

  15. Amanda Ryals says:

    what are the measurements of the tractor?

  16. Cat Jane says:

    Nicely made!

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