CHICKEN … Traditional Backyard Poultry

| November 5, 2013 | 18 Comments

This is a Documentary we made for Isnmpro. Its about the significance of Backyard poultry in Tribal households of Odisha.[India] shoot in : some villages of …
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. No1HillBilly says:

    If these people want to continue providing for themselves, they should never get entangled with banks.

  2. danielle samz says:

    it is very facinating to see this people who love to raise chickens

  3. nidh singam says:

    thank you. finally i found a video english.

  4. diyako zandi says:

    many thanks, a very great documentary, I love India…

  5. boiledoctopus says:

    Great stuff. Thanks for uploading.

  6. kaji nur says:


  7. shaikh Rafique says:

    We are the Supplier of Country Chickens Day old Chicks & Hatching Eggs any quantity anywhere around the corner of India asked by the Customer.

    Contact for more detail:09821156055,09665759211

    Email I.D.

  8. Ashok kumar says:

    sir,  we have 10 hatching farms for nattu koli(country checks avilb) in tamilnadu, we are supplying every week 10000/- birds if you want any body pls call Mr.Ashok-08344023161……….. thank you……….

  9. Ashok kumar says:

    sir,  we have 10 hatching farms for nattu koli(country checks avilb) in tamilnadu, we are supplying every week 10000/- birds if you want any body pls call Mr.Ashok-08344023161. thank you……….

  10. IPHANIE Nerema says:

    Awesome video! I like everything about it and can so much relate to this. Thanks a million for sharing!

  11. ndlz1 says:

    Very interesting to see & understand how other parts of the world live. Thank you for sharing this video.

  12. rafael alvero says:

    nice vidio love it

  13. Paul S says:

    Thank you for your work, it’s very interesting. I wish I could understand what is happening at 17:20 more though…

  14. subha prasad says:

    good work,all the very best for ur future.

  15. Ronald Almeida says:

    Urbanisation luckily has not caught up with India’s rural population, for it only destroys not only their livelyhood but also their simple and frugal life style. Thank you for this well made video undistorted by urban westernized wasteful and greedy lifestyle.

  16. riverfc says:

    Very good film. Thanks for uploading.

  17. PetChickens1 says:

    Fancy chickens in india –

  18. John McTree says:

    wow their breeds are looking very nice! =)

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