Chicken Tricks-House Pet Chicken Plays dead & bumps to Rap music

| December 15, 2013 | 25 Comments

Chicken Tricks-House Pet Chicken Plays dead & bumps to Rap music

I created this video at I am not sure how this music got on here because its not the song I picked but that is my chicken and I…

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. oongabragettey says:

    Hi penny! That’s for the great work you do for the chickens! Bless! This
    boy is so sweet! If I was on the right continent, I would drive all the way
    to get a rescue hen from you!

  2. Kim Rocha says:

    Sweet Pea is adorable!

  3. Kai Kai Wu says:

    I’m not sure if it’s about your English, but, Chickens are the the name of
    animals in the group of pheasants like Peacocks, Chickens, Pheasants
    whatever. Female is hen, rooster if Male

  4. Penny Dean says:

    I live in Texas. I own a rescue facility for abused, unwanted, and
    abandoned chickens, ducks, and rabbits usually sold around Easter and after
    Easter people do not know what to do with them and end up looking for a
    rescue facility or dumping in the wild where they won’t survive a day.

  5. kananga309 says:

    isn’t that a rooster, chickens are female.

  6. Penny Dean says:

    @svetlanalupesku LOL I have polyps in my throat which have to be removed
    soon so it makes my voice rough sometimes

  7. Penny Dean says:

    @kcatromero Thanks we love him too!

  8. Kai Kai Wu says:

    If it’s a Serama, where did you get it? Because I can tell you live in a
    western area, unlike me, where I live very close to the source.

  9. Penny Dean says:

    Thank You :)

  10. Penny Dean says:

    Oh my gosh I just watched my video..this was the first practice video with
    music. I chose a old country song..Charlotte on the front porch just a
    swinging…but this is not the song I chose..and I do not know how to
    change it! Yipes!

  11. mealfreak says:

    He is lovely!

  12. Penny Dean says:

    @SAKimK Thank you..we are crazy about him!

  13. Yume Kitsune says:

    he is VERY CUTE!! What breed of chicken is he?

  14. killertr says:

    I’ve always liked the idea of a rooster as an indoor pet…but do they poop
    a lot?

  15. Penny Dean says:

    Thank You. we think so too. :)

  16. Penny Dean says:

    Chicken is a type of bird. Rooster is a male bird, Hen is a female bird.
    Birds of many different types refer to the males as roosters and females as

  17. Penny Dean says:

    I am very aware that hens are females and roosters are males, but they are
    still chickens. I am the owner of Chicken Heaven On Earth The largest “Go
    To” Place for information about chickens. No worries..have a blessed day.

  18. kcatromero says:

    Love ur chicken way yo cute

  19. Penny Dean says:

    @mealfreak Thank you..he is our little star.

  20. Penny Dean says:

    Thanks..that was his first training

  21. John Hibbitts Sr. says:

    Sweet Pea is so tame and sweet.

  22. Penny Dean says:

    @killertr The larger ones do but the Bantams can be kept in an indoor cage
    at night and an outdoor pen during the day. You can take them out to train
    and play with sure to keep some treats handy!

  23. John Hibbitts Sr. says:

    This is me training my Serama chicken named Sweet Pea to Rap music.

  24. chris rich says:

    This is me training my Serama chicken named Sweet Pea to Rap music.

  25. Robert G. L. Hedges II says:

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