Designing a Chicken Coop | Farm Raised With P. Allen Smith

| October 29, 2013 | 10 Comments

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Travis gives a tour of our chicken’s winter accomodations. Part 1 of 2.

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. John Castro says:

    Really cool i love it

  2. Dean giu says:

    looks like you my have a mouse problem

  3. Kaltrina Demiri says:

    Haha, this was the best chicken coop tour ever, haha you are also funny! (:

  4. shirleymae30 says:

    This video is a perfect example of how Not to house your chickens !!!. That is a breeding ground for rats, rot, and disease !!!. Get the hen house and your compost piles away from your house. From what i can see and hear in this video, you really should not be advising people about raising chickens. Read a book or two about raising chickens, for your own health and safety as well as for the chickens sake.

  5. RecurveLife says:

    My chickens love that 25cent ramen noodles cooked chopped warm in winter

  6. hempward says:

    Cool project. Peaceful space. If you can rig a fan for forced air between the two, you might improve on the heat held in. Have you heard about Chinese solar greenhouses? The temp difference can be 30C. I just watched a video where they had a bigger compost than yours and it was hot to warm for 2 months, then it dropped off. How long has yours been going for? All the best.

  7. HadasahB says:

    lotsa good ideas here – thanks for sharing

  8. GreenshireEcoFarm says:

    Thanks for the tip. The pile isn’t heating up at all so I don’t think there’s going to be a problem there. I’ve been keeping an eye on it. Do you know of any way I could still pipe the heat to the chickens without the danger of spreading the pile?

  9. sunwarz says:

    We have had manure piles catch on fire they were so hot! I think I would move your compost pile away from your house!

  10. zenloki024 says:

    Travis you’re spot on about your compost. Assuming its not completely composted its missing an essential ingredient – either water, air or the proper C/N ration. Stirring it up may activate it but until you discover what you’re missing, it won’t last.

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