DIY How to Build the BEST Chicken Tractor

| March 2, 2014 | 25 Comments

see more at: See the step by step build of a great Backyard Chicken Tractor.
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. John Smith says:

    worst t shirt EVER

  2. kwo dell says:

    I thought the idea is to raise chickens without the overcrowding. Most of
    these things I see are so damn small. 

  3. JRSKICK1 says:

    How many hens would you recomend for this coop..? GREAT VIDEO.:-}

  4. paigeypooh52010 says:

    Hi. With your roosters is there way that you can teach them

  5. Green Power Farm says:

    Thats a great question! This one is easy to move compaired to the rest of
    them I have..the “A” frame one is the worst design & terrible to
    move…this one is easy to move because the nests are all the way back &
    its roof is low to the ground…the tall ones are a pain in the
    neck….hope this helps. :)

  6. Green Power Farm says:

    Thanks! I am trying! thanks for your comment!

  7. Elemental Spark says:

    I watched this video to see just WHAT a chicken tractor was.. :) Good build!

  8. Green Power Farm says:

    Well, I have tried all kinds and the adjustable push mower wheels works
    best for me….I can set them high and move it…then let them down so it
    sits flat on the ground so nothing can get under it..:)

  9. OlGreyWolf58 says:

    Would that support 6 hens?

  10. Joe Hunter says:

    Great video. The wheel idea is awesome

  11. Grum P Oldman says:

    Interesting….nice to see the camerawoman supported you wholeheartedly
    with her positive go getting comments – NOT! LOL

  12. Green Power Farm says:

    yeah I get that crap alot!…She was on my ass the whole time!

  13. Green Power Farm says:

    i’ve seen worse.

  14. Green Power Farm says:

    Hey! it’s me..well, I like mine covered if a nasty storm comes & still move
    it everyday so no problem with manure or roof because most everyday they
    are free ranging. The wheel part is just some push mower back wheels..they
    work great! thanks!

  15. Green Power Farm says:

    It’s 2′ tall…or right around there.

  16. Green Power Farm says:

    Thanks! I tried!

  17. Rey Robles says:

    you sirr…are an American Genius!

  18. shirleymae30 says:

    Boycott all youtube advertisers, especially that annoying insurance company.

  19. allamericanTRAPPER says:

    @london1817 how doo u upload a vid cast i got that 1 vid of the no freeze
    water heter

  20. Chick A. Biddy says:

    totally love the chicken tractor, this is encouraging to make one myself
    …. awesome job :-)

  21. Clin says:

    Hey turn a circular saw blade backwards it should slice right through .

  22. Julie Drigot says:

    This looks heavy. Can one person actually move it around?

  23. rocco Oliveri says:

    whats with the rifle in the background

  24. Green Power Farm says:

    I think this one is 2′ tall , 6′ wide & 8′ long… could just put wood
    on the swing frame & chicken wire :)

  25. Amanda Easley says:


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