ELECTRIC Chicken Fence. poultry netting, Electric Mesh Chicken Caravan

| November 24, 2013 | 12 Comments

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My chickens.

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. David Wagner says:

    I dont know about yours but mine do. Speckled Sussex, New Hampshires and
    Brown Leghorns

  2. David Wagner says:

    Is this product available in the USA? What kind of Charger are you using?

  3. ZillasCoop says:

    yes if scared.. a chicken will fly short distances and can get over that
    fence.. but for the most part wont go over that fence unless something
    inside is making it want to leave. biggest problem with this set up is
    Hawks can still swoop in an carry one off.

  4. Shantalle Celyine Bürger says:

    OK – I try this at home *g*

  5. PaladinsofGaia says:

    Love the lama companion animals for protection!!!! Any stories about them
    preventing attacks… Thaanks for the great vid! Jason.

  6. bpulleytravel says:

    I like this

  7. Houba Hop says:

    I thought that with a chicken flock bigger than about 20, they start to
    fight …

  8. quadarinxxx says:

    Will the chickens ever fly over the fence?

  9. charkee1 says:

    This is a good idea.

  10. Kalo Amani says:

    chicken don’t fly people!

  11. Chicken Caravan says:

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