EZ Clean Chicken Coop (Boxes Expand 2)

| November 17, 2013 | 27 Comments

EZ Clean Chicken Coop (Boxes Expand 2)

Michelle Tennant Nicholson interviews her husband about how to build an expandable chicken coop here at http://www.FastFoodFromTheFamersMarket.com All the vi…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

A Chicken Tractor is a great way to circulate your crops with your livestock when you use raised bed gardening. In this full-length video, Patti will show yo…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. lisa j says:

    Great job on the chicken coop, very good design and space effcient

  2. Michelle Tennant says:

    Thanks Lisaj4431

  3. David Goodman says:

    Whaa? You get a killer video on how to build your own chicken tractor and
    THAT’S your comment?

  4. David Goodman says:

    You don’t get near the strength when you use nails. The inclined plane of a
    screw has a lot more staying power than the straight edges of a nail.

  5. MrKenjiro2012 says:

    Thats when you take your kids out of public schools.

  6. IXAirwalkerXI says:

    You are awesome :)

  7. edytais says:

    I love your gardening videos, but must admit I don’t like the tractor
    idea…. I’m not sure how happy those chickens are. I have 11 in 1/16 acre
    run and still think it’s not enough, once in a while I do open the gate and
    let them run free in my back yard (1/4 acre). They are so happy then! Dash
    with lightining speed to roam free. I don’t think they’d be happy in a tiny
    cage (my coop is 8′x5′). I’m getting ready to buy few acres of land, then
    chicks will be truly freerange and HAPPY.

  8. loadedoperator7 says:

    Hello Patti. Just a tip.. If you pull that sleeve at the end of your drill
    bit over your screws, It will help you as it guides the screw straight in
    for you and you won’t keep coming back to the same screw Nice vids, getting
    chickens soon… Thanks.


    dear garden girl, i know this is kind of a heavy question but, have you any
    opinions on proposed food safety bills? …potentially affecting home
    gardeners….the feds are busting Rawesome foods..and they won’t let the
    kids who grow vegetables in school programs eat said vegetables…not
    trying to be a flat tire ..just wanted you to know why i dig your
    channel…home&garden could very well soon be rebel sciences…

  10. TheCarolynMusic says:

    Yay! Chickies! So cute :D

  11. rmarlowez says:

    Since there is no floor to the tractor how do you move the chickens from
    bed to bed?

  12. bumhugaung says:

    Initially i thought you are building a tractor, but in the end i see a
    cage. :)

  13. georgemargaris says:

    thats a nice long video…. Very detailed from the beginning. Please build
    more stuff WoodWorkGirl

  14. deadzoners says:

    Obviously, Patti so cute and sweet. A wonder girl in youtube. If I hadn’t
    knew her channel, I would be a terrible gardener :)

  15. David W. Reed says:

    @TEEWEE01 chicken tractor is in fact a coop but a movable one that can help
    naturally fertilize your yard!

  16. jaymond80 says:

    Very, very cool, Patti! My only question is how do you deal with waste?

  17. deadzoners says:

    Cool, it takes lots of effort to create this 22 minutes long video. Thumbz
    up for you.

  18. RHN415 says:

    Really nice but you shouldn’t have sunk the skrews in more than flush bc
    water will pool there and rot the wood away from the skrews. Great vid

  19. timw421 says:

    Do want to know where you buy all your seeds i really dont trust many
    companies online do to selling your private information please reply anyone
    really just looking for good company i can trust besides amazon

  20. chiflee67 says:

    handy and sexy , unbelievable !!!

  21. MrMachoMattyK says:

    This video is probably the BEST I have seen out of 50 coop building videos.
    Way RAD!

  22. GardenGirltv says:

    @timw421 Baker Creek Seeds


    @GardenGirltv thanx…thats the best attitude…you won’t be alone…..

  24. BrandonEvans10001 says:

    Not even close to big enough wen they grow

  25. marroquintos says:


  26. spiritartman says:

    Try Morgancountyseed com they give 100 seeds per pack not 25 or 30. GREAT
    VID!!!! I’m new to wood work and absolutely awful. I’m taking a 10 week
    adult Basic Carpentry Course starting this month (* I plan on moving to a
    Farm in SC and building Chicken Pens and Tractors to start. Are you in CA
    or Oregon? or ? You need 10 acres girl friend LOL (* Great Vids. Where can
    I see the plans and items needed for this. Thanks.

  27. 010366william says:

    Good Job! Love your work. Have a good day!

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