Food, Inc. – Industrial Chicken Farmers

| March 17, 2014 | 25 Comments

Clip from Food, Inc. in which small southern farmers are beholden to large corporate chicken producers such as Smithfield and Tyson. Shows chickens dead in t…
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The fowl extravagance of Crispin Odey’s chicken house David Shariatmadari Story from:…

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  1. amilom007 says:

    my 2 months old natural chicks are smaller than a pigeon, although they are
    big size breed!

  2. Thebrian3000 says:


  3. prevost1974 says:

    Complete abuse of corporate power and complete lack of regulation ..

  4. Amanda Balderas says:

    That’s why I eat organic.

  5. Bullet Tooth Tony says:

    I only buy cage free. 

  6. Amanda Balderas says:

    That’s why I eat organic.

  7. Susan Maher says:

    Are you eating organic grass fed chicken? Are you eating free range
    chicken eggs? Should you be? Why aren’t we all eating organic grass fed

  8. Iftikar Khan says:

    I m in to poultry business i m new to this industry but i m not with any
    company i do it my own way i m from Fiji Islands i have 6 shad n its 250 ft
    x 40 ft i have 6000 chicken in that n good air flow n fee n water for them
    n it codt me US $35000.00 for each shad to build n fill in with 8 weeks of
    chicken feed its cheaper for me i also have my own processing plant which
    does 400 chicken in a houre after watchthis i m going to watch my own
    workes next time u opened my own eyes

  9. Michael Blair says:

    I’m working on my cardio, and strength as a personal trainer, mainly
    functionality by proffession. Though when the economy breaks down, It’ll
    benefit me 1v1 as a protester with my meat fists of wrecking power to
    inflict death upon the authorities.

  10. Slash396 says:

    No your the ignorant one. This is for huge companies that mass produce
    meat. You can easily get meat that has been treated well and humanly, it
    just costs more.

  11. NM17recon says:

    i agree u can only be safe if u grow your own or buy food from a trusted
    unknown farm.

  12. iTonyCx says:

    Awww :(

  13. Samuel Ruiz says:

    vegetarian food is manipulated with hormones and full of pesticides so
    anywhere you’ll find nasty food like this unless you grow your own or at
    least buy organic food

  14. Englishbookw Song says:

    you west blame chinese eat dogs look at youself ha ha how hypocritical

  15. mtn323007 says:

    How would it be done differently? I have a few friends that raise chickens,
    a friend that lives on a farm, and my horse lives on a farm. In order for
    chickens to be treated nicely like my friends do, we wouldn’t get nearly as
    much meat, farmers would have to spend a lot more money on their chickens
    food, and there couldn’t be nearly as many chickens per farm. These mega
    chicken farms are where places like tyson, kfc, mcdonalds, your supermarket
    get their food. It’s easier to buy from 1 source

  16. Joe B says:

    If only each family or community had a small chicken farm…

  17. ilinaeternity says:

    @NoviLunar “we” haven’t. a few people have. but we have the Power to change.

  18. sumonesumwhere100 says:

    Well, it may be true but I think they are exaggerating a little. But

  19. mtn323007 says:

    *attempted Where? Please site your sources, preferably a “proffesional”
    source online. How old are you anyways?

  20. Kevin Tello says:

    but the abuse and despair makes the chicken taste better….

  21. WaterspoutsOfTheDeep says:

    your a fucking retard. she went out of the way to show the world how it is
    to bring change to it.

  22. Brandon Angel says:

    To anyone who is complaining about how the chickens are being treated, you
    should have seen how they are processed. I have worked in a chicken factory
    for 9 months before i finally got fed up and quit. 1st off, the chickens
    are killed, cleaned in a big wind turbine type chiller with water. and hung
    on metal hooks to be sent to another part of the factory. after that they
    are processed again and cut into smaller chunks. ive seen these chicken
    fall onto floors, get kicked, ran over by pallet jacks

  23. Natalia Arbaje says:

    The way we are treating these animals is inhumane, I mean jesus christ if
    we’re going to kill these poor animals at least FARM them….have the
    dignity to let them live a proper life not try and mass produce them in 7
    weeks….I mean MY GOD…and keeping them in dark pins? Jesus christ.

  24. 171Rut says:

    Can someone tell me, Does America only do this?

  25. cgnl says:

    People are ridiculous, the life expectancy of humans has only increased
    over time. Whatever they’re doing isn’t killing us. So STFU and eat salads
    the rest of your life or grow your own damn chickens.

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