Fox in The Hen House: James Clapper to Oversee NSA Program

| October 12, 2013 | 25 Comments

Fox in The Hen House: James Clapper to Oversee NSA Program

We’re forming a high-level group of outside experts to review our entire intelligence and communications technologies. We need new thinking for a new era. We…
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  1. dan12959 says:

    LMAO….. Then after you get the clap…well then it’s Obummer!

  2. dan12959 says:

    Yea… I know that everybody is spying on everybody. The evil psychopathic sociopathic illuminate zionists are paranoid that so many of us are waking up to the truth,which they hate. Jesus said he is the truth,and they hate him too. But anyway maybe you can elaborate on some spying corporations like: Stratfor(strategic forecasting),Lowtam,Quintcast,Braling, Google analytics,Google adscents,Lotamin,Comscore beacon.,spelling might be off on some…sorry. Just a patriot interested.Thanks Alex !

  3. Yahushua Endtimes says:

    WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Your OWN lands betrayed you! Satan’s Demonic Fallen Angels. Seed of Cain. Reptilian Shapeshifters & Human CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,TV-Media­,Hinn,Osteens,Cosby,B.Walters,­Sports,UN,CFR,etc} ACTORS-Trickery,Illusion,Prost­hesis,Make-Up. USA-Evil John F/Jackie Kennedy-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. George Bush/Demons respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Family! Seek ME.Psalm 91. go Wellaware1dotcom.

  4. Piper43078 says:

    This clapper needs to be the focus of a firing squad treason against the United States of America.

  5. Yahuveh Pay Day Ahead says:

    WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Your OWN lands betrayed you! Satan’s Demonic Fallen Angels. Seed of Cain. Reptilian Shapeshifters & Human CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,TV-Media­,Hinn,Osteens,Cosby,B.Walters,­Sports,UN,CFR,etc} ACTORS-Trickery,Illusion,Prost­hesis,Make-Up. USA-Evil John F/Jackie Kennedy-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. George Bush/Demons respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Family! Seek ME.Psalm 91. go Wellaware1dotcom.

  6. Lee Gillaspie says:

    so true, they even got free rent in an apartment building

  7. Lee Gillaspie says:

    only to the government but to everyone else they are patriots

  8. Lee Gillaspie says:

    only to the government but to everyone else they are patriots

  9. Lee Gillaspie says:

    yes, Occupy is peaceful, but the cops make it violent by attacking nonviolent protesters

  10. ItsAboutWhatUDo says:

    it’ll change in a couple hundreds years

  11. BiebersKingOfMusic says:

    GRASS AND TREES WORK FOR THE ILLUMINATI. I have solid proof that grass and trees are actually being used by the Illuminati to spy on us. All proven in my new video: GRASS AND TREES WORK FOR THE ILLUMINATI. Grass and trees are now employees of the Illuminati and working against humanity. Grass and trees are now our enemies. GRASS AND TREES WORK FOR THE ILLUMINATI; WATCH THE VIDEO; LEARN THE TRUTH; THANK YOU.

  12. ItsAboutWhatUDo says:

    who cares if it is peaceful something needs to bedone about our government

  13. pepeledog says:

    Occupy is NOT nor has it ever been peaceful. YOU LIE!!!!

  14. biorgymd says:

    America should know by now that when you get a Dick and Bush together, somebody’s going to get fucked and soon they will learn what it’s like to get the clap.

  15. Astral 7ight says:

    ay Donald Marshall exposed the Illuminati.

    the Illuminati are torturing innocent children/people at the Cloning Centers/Stations. they’re also using Vril Lizards to drone people and they’re using clones to replace people.

    Check Out:

    - Donald Marshall’s interviews on YouTube
    - DonaldMarshall.Proboards . com
    - VrilLizards.Webs . com

  16. Zuranthus says:

    never…since the dawn of time we have been reliving this story, in all of recorded history it’s the same tale, mostly because the majority of people are a bunch of sheep, it’s just a reality everyone needs to come to terms with

  17. marty mart says:

    now that the us government corruption is known all over the world, I wonder when it will seriously change

  18. john doe says:

    the u.s.a creates its own ( future ) enemies

    it wil come back around too bite the usa in the ass

  19. humboldthammer says:

    What upsets me most is the waste of taxpayer money this “investigation” costs. It won’t achieve anything except to waste taxpayer money. Message to Obama and Congress: The people see through your lies. You are transparent to us. You can try to hide, but the people see you hiding. Get Righteous or lose your place.
    Can I inspire just one member of Congress to be an Honest man? Or should we call the Senate Sodom, and the House Gomarrah? Is your end nigh?

  20. ak74u123 says:

    The expression is “Fox GUARDING the henhouse” in this context, and yes of course it’s over for these paintballs.

  21. Ben Signs says:

    here’s the truth if a fox is let into the hen house what the fox will do is desperately kill every single chicken unless stopped ,experts now believe this is dew for the fox their instinct to put aside or store extra kill for future use ,

  22. Rizky06 says:

    James Gonorrhea Clapper

  23. horsefaceemily says:


  24. Yahushua Endtimes says:

    WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Your OWN lands betrayed you! Satan’s Demonic Fallen Angels. Seed of Cain. Reptilian Shapeshifters & Human CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,TV-Media­,Hinn,Osteens,Cosby,B.Walters,­Sports,UN,CFR,etc} ACTORS-Trickery,Illusion,Prost­hesis,Make-Up. USA-Evil John F/Jackie Kennedy-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. George Bush/Demons respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Family! Seek ME.Psalm 91. go Wellaware1dotcom.

  25. Hijynx87 says:

    Here, have a carrot! GG

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