Grange Co-op’s Hi-Omega Egg Pellets | Rogue Quality Feeds

| March 16, 2014 | 25 Comments

Grange Co-op's Hi-Omega Egg Pellets | Rogue Quality Feeds

What is Rogue Hi-Omega Egg Pellets? A complete and balanced poultry feed with added Flaxseed for optimum Omega 3:Omega 6 ratio. Designed for mature laying he…

after two days the chickens had eaten the grass down so it was time to hook up the farmall H and move them to a fresh spot.
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  1. Farmall504 says:

    Now that we are a couple of months into this project the chickens get
    excited for moving time. When they hear the tractor coming they all crowd
    towards the front of the “yard”. It only takes a few seconds now. They are
    so ready for some fresh greens.

  2. bm5447 says:

    That is very cool! Great job!

  3. debrandom says:

    I am going to show my hubby this. We’ve seen several movable coop designs
    for small flocks but we wondered what we would do if we eventually have a
    greater number of birds.

  4. Sultana Zafar says:

    what kind of mesh do you have?

  5. Carys Jedward says:

    how do you build that run wat materials ?? thanks.

  6. Tarodin1980 says:

    Aah! Interesting! Who says chickens aren’t smart?!

  7. jellofast says:

    great coop!

  8. amosunknown says:

    Works better if you move it at night once the chickens have roosted….
    lol. nice set up!

  9. Farmallbarn says:

    Very nice coop and H Farmall. How many chickens live in it?

  10. welcometowow says:

    easy way to build a chicken coop is to go to =
    w-w-w.buildingachickencoop-.-com/?hop=xvolumex remove -

  11. dogpup23 says:

    awesome! how many chickens can it hold?

  12. girliecars says:

    wicked coop!!!!

  13. Ibrahim Ozturkoglu says:

    and he is smart

  14. Basherraa says:

    That’s an awseome chicken coop, How did you make the chicken run . I’d love
    to make a smaller one for 6 chickens. If you have time would , do say :)

  15. abluechipstock says:

    awesome coop dude, wish i had one like that!

  16. ncguy27215 says:

    very true.

  17. jeang13 says:

    nice bod.

  18. Christal Carden says:

    Neat set up. Thanks for posting.

  19. catdreaminginthesun says:

    awesome coop..did you build the little house too?

  20. Farmall504 says:

    You should build one. I used a flat hay wagon and framed a building on the
    bed. It was a fun project. The kids loved it.

  21. Chaz Weisbeck says:

    very nice. im going to began to build mine. i have 7 baby chicks who soon
    will need a coop.

  22. Kassy Clem says:

    Why don’t they just put the chickens in the red house so they don’t have to
    be dragged while the coop is moving? Geez, what happened to ordinary common

  23. Farmall504 says:

    Yeah, the run is 1/2″ pvc arches with 2″ x 60″ chicken wire over it. Welded
    wire on the ends and along the bottom for stiffening and predator
    protection. I don’t have any plans. It was a make it up as you go project,
    but if you give me your e-mail I would be happy to send you my construction

  24. laughmaster7 says:

    HAHA all the chickens are like “WHAT THE F*CK?!”

  25. Tarodin1980 says:

    Interesting set up! I always move mine when the chickens are still inside
    the coop (instead of the run) in the morning, or after they’ve gone to
    roost at night. That way, no trapped chicken toes! However, it seems that
    your slow pace helps reduce the chance of injury.

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