Hen House completed : Two eggs over easy

| October 10, 2013 | 6 Comments

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Jim Fisher explains how to install a Hen House.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. RkicF8 says:

    They seem very happy, thanks for the comment.

  2. RkicF8 says:


  3. RkicF8 says:

    Thank you,
    We went with assorted chicken for variety. That one is called a Turken, popular in Europe where they are called Transylvania Naked Necks. We call her turky.
    We are having a hot spring this year, which is good. I put the plants out to soon and got about 3 frost but they’re ok, pulled some raddishes yesterday, it was 90 degrees here.
    I have added alot of soil, I’m also watering in the evening now, the growth this year is much better and off to a great start. Happy planting.

  4. roseinthepines says:

    Nice job, they got a 1st class run and coop! I can’t believe how much they have grown.
    What happened to the one with the bare neck? Is she getting pecked or molting or do you know (for all I know it’s normal for whatever breed she is)?
    Thanks for sharing. I was just thinking earlier this AM it would be a good day for a Spring garden update and much more is now coming up. Nowhere near what you have for growth though!
    My inside beans (15″ tall already) need to go outside but it’s too soon!

  5. Sucka Dicka says:

    nice coop!

  6. k9griffin9 says:

    Lucky ladies!

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