Hen House Studios Live — Rap, Funk, Rock, Ska and Jazz Videos – TV Show #14

| January 13, 2014 | 23 Comments

Hen House Studios Live — Rap, Funk, Rock, Ska and Jazz Videos – TV Show #14 A nationally syndicated music TV show from Hen House Studios featuring band inte…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

In September, 2013, an activist gave me three hours worth of footage that he captured at an egg farm in Australia. I edited this footage down into this video…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. tonyskins19 says:

    contact the group fishbone and living colour

  2. Mud says:

    Mmm Chicken nuggets<3

  3. autumn wilson says:

    Even though you’re strange, I completely agree with you and what you’re
    fighting for.
    Many angry vegans wish horrible things on people who control places like
    That isn’t what they need.
    They just need proper education.

    More power to ya, John… you creepy little dude. <3

  4. Sonja Chardonnens-Haldimann says:

    The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of
    it. -Axel Munthe

    In September, 2013, an activist gave me three hours worth of footage that
    he captured at an egg farm in Australia. I edited this footage down into
    this video you see here today. Please watch and share. John Sakars.

    Hen House Horror

  5. Steve Dugger says:

    dang this made me hungry.

  6. junkietomato says:

    Yeah I’m totally not going to eat my delicious breakfast of bacon and eggs
    because of some chickens. In case you didn’t notice I was being sarcastic.

  7. Hambone Jones says:

    john this is too hardcore for my vegan ass

  8. John Sakars says:

    Thank you very much, Diane!

  9. Nagendra Dharwar says:

    You shold watch the slaughter of animals called HALLAl in the name of ISLAM
    They make humans wtcch them to make them devoid of campassions anr emotions

  10. Diane Gandee Sorbi says:

    Incredibly powerful and haunting images! I hope everyone who still eats
    eggs will watch this and see the reality. The lack of narration worked well
    here because the hens told their own heartbreaking story. You did a great
    job editing all of that footage, John.

  11. Maja Larsson says:

    I have never seen so hurted animals in my life

  12. John Sakars says:

    Horrible indeed.

  13. Clyde Rembrandt says:

    Poor hens :(

  14. Alex Greenwood says:

    This short film lets the hens tell their own story. The many dead ones
    lying around everywhere, some who have rotted down to just bones; the
    suffering of the ones who are still living in horrible filthy cramped
    spaces just so they can push out an egg a day for human consumption; the
    heartbreaking cries, the flurries of terror as one hen gets spooked and
    then they all flap around. Hens who have fallen out of the cages and are
    starving to death in the filth on the floor. All so unnecessary.

  15. Roberta Briceno says:


  16. horseygurl143 says:

    Just pitiful.

  17. Dan Sorbi says:

    Very hard to watch and another reason to go Vegan!

  18. Sm l says:

    I am not a huge fan of your music videos but your undercover investigations
    are great, you have a new subscriber :D What isn’t great is the
    exploitation of animals, keep up the good work in exposing animal

  19. errrrrm says:

    Disgusting :( More disgusting is that most people wont see this because
    they don’t care.

  20. Canis Wolf says:

    This is disgraceful and evil. May those who caused this suffering be damned
    to the same fate in their next life.

  21. Cat Jane says:

    Horrible…probably the worst egg farm I’ve seen yet.

  22. Andy L. says:

    I saw this video earlier today and it was so heart breaking. I wish people
    would stop talking about Chickens as if they are nothing more than
    inanimate food items. They go through HELL. No one will ever truly know
    what they experience but themselves and their families. No will ever truly
    know what it feels like to be them. Not even me and I have a pretty good
    sense of empathy… This is HELL. Please go vegan <3

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