Henhouse Five Plus Two – In The Mood

| October 18, 2013 | 23 Comments


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Category: Hen House

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  1. Violette Summer says:

    Chick-en the Mood

  2. Missy Workman says:

    Love it!!!!

  3. Rooster Pisces says:

    Cluckin great ringtone!!

  4. rhawneth says:

    I remember a group of ladies in long dresses doing this as part of a high school talent show during “Spirit Week”. SO much fun! (They held their hands like in “The Sound of Music” – then ended by throwing hard boiled eggs they’d been holding into the audience…..)

  5. Vesta5472 says:

    Cluck to leave a comment.

  6. hanna71me says:

    This song has been an integral part of my children’s upbringing. They used to get embarrassed when I would cluck it perfectly! Their friends could not believe that I did this, and I never clucked it in front of them! They are now 43 y/o and 38 y/o. Now they think it’s funny. In fact, my daughter called me long distance today so she could put the phone next to her radio thats playing “our song”! Then she sent me this link!

  7. kalco4 says:

    this song peaked at #40 in February 1977

  8. Roger Green says:

    Have this on some Warner Brothers Loss Leaders album from the 1970s. Love it!

  9. Stephen McElroy says:

    I was in a bar on skid row in Portland Oregon and this was on the jukebox
    in 1975. The bar maid hated it when I played it :-)

  10. Jewel Carnes says:

    OMG this played when i worked in games at kings island at flip a chick and annoyed me dearly@ Now my boyfriend loves this!

  11. stangrub1 says:

    have not heard this in a long time ithink i still have this on a 45

  12. Lili-Marlene Rose says:

    LMFAO, Bart! This is actually pretty classy, you know? You’ve got to play it next time we meet with our friends…

  13. screaminsunshine says:

    I had this record! the B side was Classical Cluck.  ^.^

  14. dgunboats says:

    This is actually Ray Stevens

  15. Mike Nellis says:

    I sure miss waking up to this at Hallett.

  16. kinetic40 says:

    I still have the 45 to this!
    Thanks for posting… now I don’t have to!

  17. Tim Rockstad says:

    Unfortunately this was the first version of the song I heard. I can’t stand the Glenn Miller hit as a result.

    The sax solo from 0:52 – 1:20 is the highlight of this one, with the soft chorus of hens providing a subtle, soft-spoken humor.

    The rest is painfully horrid. Top 10 Worst of 1977.

    Thanks for posting!

  18. nickellodeon55 says:

    Featuring Cacklebird Humperdink!

  19. Tammy T says:

    I do remember this and I actually had the 45 that had a slow kinda waltz song they did. How can you not listen to this without a smile.

  20. betty childers says:

    Remember it from the late 70′s,,,,, love it

  21. MsBkirk says:

    I thought of this when I saw a poster advertising a ‘free range choir’!

  22. 633squadrongoodwin says:

    Yes it was me ,I was the one who bought the single !

  23. squeak1964 says:


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