Henhouse Prowlers – Assembly Line Blues – Castle Theatre

| February 14, 2014 | 4 Comments

Henhouse Prowlers - Assembly Line Blues - Castle Theatre

October 19, 2012, Bloomington, Illinois, with Chicago Farmer. http://henhouseprowlers.com/ http://www.chicagofarmer.com/ http://www.thecastletheatre.com/
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Micromanaging the Henhouse

Enjoy watching any of hundreds more videos at: http://www.CleanTV.com “That government is best which governs least.” Now that’s a time-honored quote. It’s co…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. foosman1 says:


  2. Avey Owyns says:

    …so I guess we can expect the price of eggs rising in the US, then.

  3. CleanTVcom says:

    Correct. Either or both are likely to rise: Retail prices of eggs rising
    and/or taxes rising to pay for the new federal micromanaging ‘services.’

  4. eastariel says:

    0:32 — like Goldie When I lived in the wilderness, I had a pet hen named
    Goldie. I say pet, because she was past egg-laying age. She was the
    matriarch of her flock. She enjoyed perching on my deck railing on the
    hilltop overlooking the meadow, scouting for coyotes. That tough little
    velociraptor had the courage to throw herself into the jaws of a coyote and
    scratch its eyes out, if that be necessary to protect her flock. I sure did
    love my little Goldilocks. She was one brave little chicken.

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