How do i build a chicken coop

| March 9, 2014 | 9 Comments

How do i build a chicken coop

How do i build a chicken coop: Ready to build a Chicken Coop? – how do i build a chicken coop is the worlds largest site …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Category: Chicken Coop

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Comments (9)

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  1. Yolanda Wallace says:

    very nice house i want to make same house

  2. Travis Berwick says:

    i am very fat

  3. Kenneth Pacheco says:

    this ia small .but nce

  4. Nancy Wilkins says:

    no no no no no i want to watch now

  5. Travis Berwick says:

    nice video

  6. Douglas Schmalz says:

    you can help me

  7. Robert Weitzman says:

    how are you?

  8. syndicate2802 says:

    Is there a problem with the new YouTube format as I cant get the video to
    show on my iPhone

  9. Charles Hicks says:

    @syndicate2802 as far as i know the video should work on all mobile
    devices; it may of been a youtube error.

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